Chapter five: Snowflake

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"Linc! Get up!" my mother called, "it's time for school!" I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes, my horns flickering on to their normal light blue glow. I didn't want to get up, my bed was comfy. I pondered for a moment. "Bed was comfy, but school had friends", I thought, "I wonder what we're doing in school today. Would we have math? I like math. We'll probably have math, we have math every day."

"Lincoln!" my mother shouted again, snapping me out of my trance I had been in as I realized I'd been rubbing my eyes so hard I saw stars. I blinked a few times to regain my vision, then lazily rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor. "This is comfy too," I thought, my head propped up by the side of my bed while the rest of my body was sprawled out on the floor.

I heard my mother's hoofsteps as she walked up the stairs and approached my room, and she opened my door to see me on the floor. "Linc, come on," she urged, "get up, you're going to be late."

I let out a huff and sat up properly. "I'm sick," I fibbed, hoping she wouldn't see through my genius lie.

"You're not sick, you're perfectly fine," she said as she walked into my room and helped me stand from the floor. "Come on, let's get dressed."

I reluctantly stood and headed to my closet, where my mom had already picked out an outfit for me to wear the night before. "I'll be in the kitchen, please be quick, Snowflake," my mom said, then left my room to let me get dressed. "Snowflake", a nickname she calls me because of my white hair. I think it's also because her name is Winter, so I'm her little snowflake. I started to get dressed before the window caught my eye, where snow fell from the sky.

"Maybe we could go sledding," I thought as I pulled my shirt over my head, the fabric getting caught on my horns. I struggled to escape the prison of cloth, wriggling back and forth before I fell back onto the floor. I eventually got my head through the shirt, then stood back up to pull the rest of my clothes on.

Once I was dressed, I headed down the stairs where my mom and dad sat at the table eating breakfast. There was a plate of scrambled eggs for me in my spot at the table, and I took a seat.

"Morning, Linc," my dad greeted, standing up from the table to take his empty plate to the kitchen sink.

"Good morning," I replied as I began to eat my eggs.

"Be quick, we need to go soon," mom said to me, taking her plate to the sink as well.

"How soon?" I asked.

"Like in two minutes," she replied, rushing from the kitchen to the front door to pack my lunch into my backpack. I quickly shoveled my eggs into my mouth and my dad took a lunch bag over to my mom.

"Don't forget your own lunch," he said as he handed the bag to my mom.

"Right, thank you, Carson," mom replied, then looked at me. "Come on, let's go, Snowflake," she urged, gesturing for me to come over to her. I finished my breakfast and ran over to the front door, where she helped me get dressed for the wintery day outside. My parents shared a quick kiss before mom led me outside and towards her car. She helped me into the back seat, buckled me in, then got into the driver's seat to start the car.

I looked out the window and watched as houses passed by once we were on the road. "Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, Snowflake?" She responded as she looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"Can we go sledding after school?"

"I'm not sure, maybe," she said.

I smiled and lightly kicked my hooves as I looked back out the window, excited to have some winter fun.

Once we got to my school, I hopped out of the car, waved goodbye to mom, and headed inside towards my classroom. The school was loud and busy, with students and teachers walking every which way to get to their classrooms. I didn't really pay any of them any attention, aside from a new kid with bright red hair, someone I'd seen before. He looked nervous and lost, standing close to a girl who looked very similar to him. I decided to go up to him to see if he recognized me.

"Hi," I greeted, walking up to the two redheads.

The boy looked over at me and noticed my horns. "You're Lincoln," he stated, his eyes wide.

I nodded to the boy, "you can call me Linc," I told him, "what's your name again?"

"Adam," the boy answered, then gestured to the girl next to him. "This is my sister, Gretchen." The girl simply stared at my horns, her expression blank, even when she started speaking to me.

"How do they work?" Gretchen asked me, "your horns."

"My horns?" I asked. "Magic, because I'm a mage, they glow different colours when I feel different ways."

"A mage," Gretchen repeated, her voice dull, "we are amages, we don't have magic." She kept staring at my horns before she reached out to grab one of them, and I stood awkwardly in front of her, letting it happen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I just want to see them," Gretchen replied, looking closely at my horns that slowly shifted from their normal light blue to purple as I grew a little nervous.

Adam reached out to Gretchen's hand to pull it away from my horns. "I don't think he likes it," he said to his sister.

Gretchen shrugged. "I don't care," she replied, then the bell rang. She looked back over to me and took her brother's arm. "Bye," she said, then dragged Adam off towards their classroom.

I watched the twins as they quickly ran away to their class, and my horns switched between different colours in confusion. They were kind of odd, but I liked them. I wanted to talk with them again, be friends with them. I stood in the hallway for a long while before I realized it was empty, then shook myself out of my thoughts and headed to my class.

I want to see them again.

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