🌟🌟Trial Number 2🌟🌟

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☆ This is a prologue I wrote when I was, like, 12, so yeah... Have fun :D


Prologue: Goodbyes Are Never Easy

I woke up, sitting up so fast it hurt. I blinked as light suddenly blinded me, my eyes taking about a minute to adjust. I looked down at myself. I had dreamed I'd been a mess with blood all over my favorite yellow sweater, but now I was in a strange white gown with blue polka-dots. It was familiar, but my mind was so hazy I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

"Oh, Kitten! You're awake!" I was suddenly brought into a bear hug, making the breath rush out of my lungs. "You worried me senseless," my dad's familiar deep voice said. He grabbed my shoulders and gently pulled me back so he could see me, allowing me to observe him. The first thing I noticed was the worry in his brown eyes. The second thing was how the rims of those very eyes were red. His usually brushed russet hair was sticking out in all kinds of directions and his fair skin was oddly pale. He was wearing a blue shirt under a thin green jacket that was meant for cool falls, blue jeans, and his familiar brown boots with mud stains in different spots.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Well, actually, where in the world am I?" I asked, even though it should have been obvious if it wasn't for the fact that it felt like my brain was still waking up. What was wrong with me?

"Kitten, you're in the hospital." When he said the old nickname he used when I was a little kid, I started to smile, but the throbbing pain in my forehead made me wince and rub my head instead.

"What happened?" I asked, eyes narrowing in frustration. For some strange reason, my memory was blurry. All I remembered was running through a forest, trying to get away from the person following, someone yelling my name, and pain. Lots and lots of pain.

"I'm not exactly sure," he admitted. "The police said that you and your mom had a car accident."

As soon as he said the word "mom", I felt panicked. I remembered blood along with the pain I'd remembered moments before, and then I remembered her cry of agony. "Where's Mom! Is she okay?" I demanded. My heart was racing as if it was trying to get out of my chest to search for her itself. My father averted his gaze to the ground, which only made me worry more. "Dad! Where in the world is Mom?"

"She's in the ER. They don't know what's wrong with her. It seems she might have had a heart attack or something, but they just don't know," Dad finally told me, his voice low, and despite the fact I knew he was trying to hide, pain.

I threw the covers off and got to my feet, running out the door, ripping off a few IVs, which was quite painful. I could hear my dad yelling protests at me as exited the room. I had a really bad feeling what was causing my mom to die was not a heart attack. I was only thirteen. I wanted, no! needed more time with my mom. There was no way she was going to leave me now. She couldn't! She wouldn't!

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