Rye's first birthday: 2.0

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This is a continuation of the last chapter. This will be a short storyline instead of a one shot. So the next few chapters will be based on this.
"Go! Now!" He shouts.
I grab rye and leave quickly. Telling everyone the party is over.
Everyone is confused but they leave.
Rye is crying, shocked by peeta yelling.
I put Rye in his car seat and go around the car to get in.
Haymitch approaches me and asks what happened.
"Peeta is having an episode." I say.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks me.
"No. He told me before it happened." I explain
I hear yelling from inside our house. The door swings open and I see peeta. It's hijacked peeta. He starts running towards me.
"You mutt! Get away from my kid" he yells
Haymitch stands in front of me. I quickly get in the car. I see Peeta throw haymitch to the ground. Shouting at him. Haymitch throws a right hook knocking peeta out cold.
"Peeta!!" I yell.
I get out of the car and run towards him.
"What the hell did you do haymitch?!" I shout
"He was choking me!" Haymitch defends himself.
I make haymitch drag peeta into the house. I go back to the car and grab rye.
I walk into the house, I give rye to haymitch
"Watch him for a few hours. I'll handle peeta" I say
"What if he hurts you?" Haymitch questions, taking Rye from my arms.
"I can handle myself. Just go" I tell him.
Haymitch mumbles something under his breath as he walks out of the house.
I see peeta laying on the couch and sit next to him.
I rub his head. Making sure there's no bleeding.
After a few minutes Peeta jolts up. I jerk back.
"What's going on?" Peeta looks around confused.
I look into his eyes. I see the Peeta I love staring back at me.
"You don't remember?" I ask
"Remember what?" He asks
"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask
"Talking to Effie. I walked into the kitchen. You approached me.. and then.." he trails off and his eyes widen.
"Oh my god. Katniss, I'm so sorry!" He says, his voice filled with dismay. He starts tearing up
Looking into his blue eyes and seeing the dismay in them, my heart breaks.
"It's okay. You didn't hurt me! you warned me beforehand so you wouldn't hurt me." I reassure him.
He sighs a breath of relief.
"I didn't hurt you?" He asks
"You didn't hurt me." I assure him.
He shoots me a smile. I smile back
His expression darkens again, "Rye didn't see this. Did he?" He asks, worried.
"No he didn't. Your episode started after we were out of the house. And he was in the car by the time you came out." I tell him.
His face fills with relief.
"You didn't hurt anyone Besides haymitch, but he could handle it." I say, with a smile.
Peeta laughs and gives me a kiss.
"How about we go get Rye?" I ask him.
He pauses. I look at him, confused.
"I cannot let another episode happen. I won't. Not when It can happen so suddenly." He tells me
"Peeta" I approach him, "what are you saying?" I ask.
"I'm saying..." he pauses.
"I'm gonna go to the capitol to get treatment." He tells me.
"But what about the baby?" I ask him.
"She will be here soon!" I continue
"I know. And that's why I need to get help." He explains
"What if you're not here when she's born?" I ask him.
"I will be. The treatment will only be a few weeks." He tells me.
"Well.. when are you leaving?" I ask him.
"Tomorrow. I'm gonna call them later and then leave Tomorrow morning" he tells me.
"Rye and I will come with you." I tell him
He looks at me. "No. It's not safe!" He argues, standing up.
"We won't stay at the same place. I just want you to be close in case the baby comes!" I explain.
"The capital brings bad memories for you! I don't want you to go through that!" He tells me.
"And the capitol brings you good memories?" I ask incredulously.
He looks at me with dismay. "No, it doesn't. But I'm going so our family can live without fear that I'm gonna hurt you or god forbid, our children!" He explains
"Yes. And I want to be there to support you. You know the doctor said it's a high risk pregnancy. And that the baby could come any time between now and the next few weeks. Rye and I are coming along." I put my foot down.
"Okay. But we will leave separately." Peeta says
"Deal." He walks over to me and gives me a kiss.
I leave to go get Rye from haymitch. Peeta grabs his jacket.
"Where are you going? I thought we were leaving tomorrow morning." I ask, confused.
"I'm going to stay at the house in victors village. Just in case." He explains.
I want to argue, but I don't. Instead I lightly nod my head and give him another kiss. He walks out the door and I wait a few minutes before I walk out.
I arrive at Haymitch's house and open the door.
"Haymitch!" I yell.
"In here" he shouts back.
I walk into the living room to see Rye in a walker and watching tv.
"So, is this how your babysitting gigs go?" I ask, jokingly.
"Yep. 10/10 star rating so far." He quips back.
I chuckle and sit down.
"Peeta is going to the capitol to get treatment and Rye and I are going with." I explain
"You're going with him to get treatment? Is that even safe?" He asks
"Well, we won't be staying with him. But we will be close by. In case the baby comes early, Peeta will be close by and they have some of the best doctors in the capitol." I explain.
"I see." Haymitch responds.
I sit there awkwardly for a few seconds before I stand up and grabbing rye. We go to the car.

Rye and I arrive home shortly after.
"We're gonna go on a trip with dada!" I whisper to him.
I change him and put him in his crib.
I go to bed. Feeling lonely without peeta next to me.
I start crying. Reminding myself that this is a good thing for our family.

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