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POV: Chris

I was startled awake by the loud sound of Aviva's voice over the intercom.
"Chris, Martin! Head to the main room immediately!" Aviva commanded. "Paisley Paver is trying to flatten the Amazon Rainforest. We have to stop her!"
I felt a wave of dread and laziness come over me as I fought the temptation to fall back asleep. I sighed and glanced at the clock on my wall.
2:38 a.m.
It was way too early for this.
"Whatever." I mumbled while trying to rub the sleep out of my tired eyes. "I'll just take a nap later..."
I carelessly threw the covers off the bed and lazily stood up. I stretched my back until I heard a few satisfying pops. Then I headed to my bathroom to get ready.
Once I had my suit on and my hair and face looked decent other than the dark bags under my eyes, I left my room and started to make my way towards the main room.
Not even after I could take a step inside the room, my brother turned to face me and beamed.
"Hey bro!" he said happily as he waved. "Ready to go save the rainforest?"
And just like that, my mood became instantly better. I didn't know why Martin could have such a strong effect on me. Maybe it was the way his face lights up when he's happy. Or his perfect smile. Or how his light blond hair cascades over his forehead in soft waves. It was pretty obvious that I liked him. Well, maybe a bit more intense than 'liked' him. So whenever something like this happened, it always left me a stuttering, blushing mess. I didn't know what to do about it though. I was too scared to make a move.
"Mornin'." I said with a small smile on my face.
When seeing the small smile on my face, I could see that Martin's grin widened a bit.
But Aviva quickly grabbed everyone's attention by slamming both of her hands on the center table. Jimmy, who was dozing off with a slice of pizza in his hand, woke up with a quiet gasp and dropped his pizza on the ground.
"Aww man! That was the last slice in the fridge!" Jimmy groaned.
"Who eats pizza at 3 in the morning?" Koki questioned. "Isn't that a lunch and dinner kinda food?"
"Guys." Aviva said.
"It's an all day kinda food." Jimmy shot back. "All day, every day!"
"Is there anything else you eat besides pizza?" Koki asked.
"I do have the occasional sandwich." Jimmy answered.
"Guys." Aviva said.
"That's not much better." Koki grumbled.
"I have some healthy tips for breakfast that I could share if you want!" Martin announced proudly. "Like this one I-"
"GUYS." shouted Aviva as she glared at everyone. "We can share breakfast tips and eat pizza later. Right now we need to stop Paisley Paver and save the rainforest."
Everyone turned to face Aviva so she could give out the details of the situation. Everyone agreed on a plan and got into their positions in the Tortuga. Martin and I headed over to the drop off doors and waited for Aviva to land the Tortuga.
"You nervous?" Martin asked, a small grin on his face as he looked into my eyes.
I looked away and paused a little before answering.
"Yeah...a little." I mumbled.
"We got this." He said in a calm voice as he nudged me with his elbow.
I was suddenly aware of how close he was standing and how hot the room was.
"Thanks..." I mumbled, a small smile on my face.
"Alright guys, we are ready to land. Be ready Chris and Martin." Aviva said over the intercom.
I could feel the Tortuga quickly descend and scrape a few trees as it landed. It hit the ground with a loud thud that shook the floor. Martin and I stumbled as the Tortuga shook but there wasn't enough force to knock us over. So we quickly straitened up and waited for the doors to open.
"Alright, I'm going to open the doors now. Stick to the plan. We will have your creature power disks ready soon." Aviva said in our earbuds.
The doors opened letting in the damp rainforest air. It was still dark out due to the fact that we had woken up at an insanely early hour. But I didn't have much time to admire the rainforest scenery before Martin ran into the rainforest leaving me no choice but to follow him into the darkness.

A/N: The brothers are off on a romanti- I mean epic adventure...😗 Will they be able to stop Paisley Paver???👀
Word Count: 788 words

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