Where Is Chris?

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POV: Martin

I jogged towards Paisley Paver's machine next to Chris, the boa constrictor disk in my hand. The large metal machine towered over us as we approached. It was still dark out, but not for long, so we had to move quickly. We both slowed down as we reached the back of the machine and crouched down to make sure we wouldn't be seen.
"Thank goodness we made it in time," I whispered as I tried to catch my breath.
Chris showed a small smile and nodded.
"I guess this is where we split up..." Chris hesitantly said.
"Don't worry, we'll stop Paisley, save the rainforest, and get out of here alive." I replied, patting him on the shoulder and looking him in the eyes.
He quickly looked away and fidgeted with his gloves.
"Y-yea. Uh, see ya," Chris said before getting up and climbing the machine to get to the front where he would create a distraction.
I sighed and slowly got up. It was suddenly very silent. There were almost no noises from the jungle. And with my friend Chris gone, it felt empty.
I took a deep breath and said, "You can do this. Chris and I will stop Paisley Paver."
After another deep breath, I gripped the side of the machine and started climbing to the top where the control room was.
After climbing, I pushed myself upwards and reached the main platform. Once I had both my feet on the ground, I slowly stood up and looked around. There was no one in sight. I realized this was a good time to transform and took out the disk from my pocket.
The disk was dark green with a silhouette of a boa constrictor. The color reminded me of my friend Chris. I smiled.
      "Activate creature power suit!" I whispered excitedly while placing the disk in my chest pocket. In a flash of light, my the suit around me morphed into a long snake. I was small enough to slither around unnoticed, but still big enough to be seen if someone looked closely.
"Where the hell did my bodyguard go?! Rex! Make me my morning coffee now! I have a Trader Joe's to make and it must be done by 9:00!" A high pitched feminine voice yelled in the distance, which could only belong to Paisley Paver.
"Right away ma'am," another voice replied, getting closer.
I gasped and quickly slithered into the control room with the two people closely following. I noticed some rope in a corner of the room and quickly grabbed it with my tail. Then I silently hid underneath a table.
"Oh I can't wait to see a Trader Joe's here!" Paisley exclaimed as she walked towards the large front window with a wide view of the rainforest. I couldn't see much out of the window from underneath the table. All I could see were the tree tops.
"All the Karen's and white moms that will be- wait, who is that." Paisley stopped and pressed her hands to the window, looking down onto the ship's deck.
"It's too dark to tell," Rex, her assistant said.
"Quick! Turn on the lights down there! They might try to sabotage our machine!"
Rex then flipped a switch, looked up, and froze. His jaw dropped.
thenameofsatin..." Rex choked out as he slapped a hand over his mouth and gasped. I tried to think of what Chris could've come up with. Clearly it was working.
"Is that...man...Irish folk dancing..." Paisley slowly said. "And what the hell is he wearing..."
"Where the hell did he get a stripper pole," Rex asked. "But dayum. That ass though."
The two just stood there, shocked for almost a full minute until Paisley snapped out of it and screamed, "Where the hell is a bodyguard when you need one?! I swear I'm gonna divide his pay in half! Rex! Get that stripper off of my machine!"
      Rex then sprinted out the door and flew down the stairs. I took this as an opportunity to slither closer to Paisley with the rope so I could tie her up.
      "Now, back to destroying a rainforest ecosystem and building-"
      She must have heard me, but right before she turned around I hid underneath the control panel.
      "I swear if that's you Irish stripper you're going down. I know Kung Fu bitch."
      After a few seconds of silence, she huffed and turned back around toward the control panel. While she was distracted, I slowly circled around her preparing to trip her then tie her up.
      "This Trader Joe's will be built. No Irish stripper can stop m-!"
      Paisley couldn't finish that sentence as I tripped her and coiled around her legs.

      A/N: This is not sexual. ☝️We only ship brothers to lovers here.

      I quickly grabbed the robe and tied her legs and arms.
I stayed calm and quickly looked around for something to silence her with. Luckily, I spotted some duct tape.
      "Deactivate creature power suit!" I said, standing up and reaching for the tape.
      I slapped a strip of duct tape on her mouth and a few more around her head just to be safe. I then placed a strip over her eyes and guided her to the corner of the room.
      I then gently set her down and said, "That's what you get for trying to damage the rainforest, you not nice person!"
      Through the duct tape I could hear the muffled words, "Jshusht shey bietch."
      "I do not not use profanity, because it is hurtful and unnecessary," I replied.
      I then turned and walked towards the control panel. The controls were easy to understand, so I easily was able to turn the ship on, change the direction to reverse with a lever, and start a timer that would slowly back the machine into the ocean in 5 minutes. To make sure no one could mess with it, I pulled on the lever as hard as I could and broke it off. When I looked out of the window, I couldn't see anyone, so I assumed Chris took care of Rex. I was just about to leave when Rex appeared in the doorway.
      "Stop right there," he growled slowly, dragging a body inside with one hand. The face was covered with a black sack and their hands and feet were tied up. They were wearing a stripper Patrick costume with 10 inch heels. Thankfully there was no blood.
      "Chris!" I gasped. "Hang on bro! I'll get us out of here."
      I grabbed the piece of broken lever and got in a battle stance. I lunged and swung at his head. I missed, but I still was able to get a good hit on his arm. Rex grunted and fell to the floor.
      "Ouch you twat!" he yelled.
      I then struck him lightly in the head so I could tie him up. Once the rope was firmly around him, I carried him to the corner and placed him next to Paisley. I then hurried over to Chris and was about to take off the bag when Rex mumbled, "The bodyguard, he'll kill you."
      Immediately after he said that, I heard a loud slam! beneath the floor. I froze and gasped. I had to get out of there immediately.
So I picked up Chris without even untying him or taking off the bag and sprinted out of the room. I leaped down the stairs and ran to the edge. Fortunately I saw a button that could lower a ramp down to the beach. I only had about three minutes left, so I had to hurry. I slammed my hand down on the button and waited for the ramp to lower a safe distance. I was startled when the body in my arms squirmed and groaned.
"Ugh...What's going on?" Chis asked.
His voice sounded weird.
I lowered him to the ground and quickly removed the bag covering his face.
It was fucking Jimmy.
"Jimmy?!" I gasped, starting to panic. "Where's Chris?!"
"He got a lil' hurt so he called me over to be the distraction. What did ya think?" He said, as he gestured to his stripper Patrick costume.
      "WHERE IS CHRIS?! DID THE BODYGUARD HURT HIM?! WHERE IS THE BODYGUARD?!" I screamed, as I looked around frantically.
      Jimmy looked over my shoulder and said calmly, "There he is."
I whipped my head around to see the bodyguard Rex was talking about. He loomed over us with his massive height. His face was twisted into a permanent scowl with scars all over his face. There were a few cuts and scratches showing Chris's struggle. But other than that, it seemed that Chris couldn't get a hit on him. Which meant he was hurt.
"Oh no..." I whispered, trying to create a plan so that all of us could get out of here.
"Jimmy. Stay and fight off the body guard." I commanded, turning to Jimmy.
I didn't wait for a reply as I bolted to the other side of the ship.
Behind me, I heard Jimmy saying, "Wanna eat some pizza together?"
I recalled a loud bang from below deck and leaped down the stairs towards where I hoped Chris would be. I checked room after room until I heard a faint whimper in the last room.

A/N: What an interesting sequence of events🧐Will everyone make it off the ship in time? Will Jimmy get to eat pizza with his new buddy? 🍕

Word count: 1630

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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