Lesions of Past

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After finishing last hearing she arranged stack of papers in front of her desk and placed bundle of documents in her bag to study more about them later . Before heading out she glanced at the watch hanging on nearby wall and realized it's already bit late .

Sky has been invaded by nefarious dark clouds outside and fine strokes of mild lightning start to make their appearance on its greyish canvas. Earthy aroma of wet soil , clusters of fallen leaves and breeze whirling through them enhancing the grace of scenery even more

She placed her bag on the back seat of her bentley , tied her seatbelts and departed in the direction of Petrova Mansion. Slight smile played across her lips with the thought of a beautiful surprise she planned for Martyn's birthday . She was eager to get his reaction.
It's been a while since they both got break from their hectic schedules and spend some quality time together but fortunately she received call from her beloved husband prior to her upcoming vacations .He informed her that he will be returning back to Mumbai in few days as his business trip came to an end quite sooner than expected and he successfully got his hands on the deal he was fishing for.

"That annoying peacock " ..she chuckled then sighed . He arrived in her life during it's darkest phase and turned it upside down with his insanity . He healed her and she discovered her own crazy solace in him. But some scars never get healed

She felt unexpected presence of moist tears on her cheeks and memories of a tiny hands trying to get hold on her fingers once again start flashing through her mind

Flashback :-

Yuvrani Komal Chauhan of Rajgarh got married to Maharaj Brijraj Singh of Devgarh .It was an arranged marriage that took place with a sheer consideration of political alliance between two royal families
which wasn't unheard of in their circles. Komal knew what to expect from this marriage but she was raised to prioritise her duty towards her family and land over herself

Brijraj makes it quite clear from day one that he has no real affection towards his new bride .Komal initially felt bit disappointed due to her husband's attitude but she didn't hold grudges against him as she knew just like her he was also a victim of society they born in and expectations of people in their circles

She somehow derived her happiness
from innocent charms of her newborn but Brijraj can't able to conceal his disappointment as he was hoping for a male heir. He grew more distant and secretive with time.

Komal just accepted that to be her life then onwards and didn't pay much attention towards his indifference. Everything was going fine until naming ceremony of her daughter.Her mother in law Rajmata Mrunalini Devi asked her to choose beautiful name for the baby .She named her little princess after her own late mother.

Yuvrani Manyata Kumari of Devgarh

It was supposed to be a day of celebration for Devgarh Royal family but it turned out to be one of the most horrible day as news of Brijraj's accident spread like a wildfire through all media channels.

He didn't get much injured but his car hit a woman and her daughter who was apparently just a year older than princess Manyata
Both of them died on spot . It was Brijraj's fault and rumors of him being heavily drunk during incident start making headlines

Next few months Rajmata was quite busy in clearing his name from entire fiasco and doing damage control . Although with upsurge of other big scandals it does became an old news but not for a certain someone who lost his everything ...

On Manyata's third birth anniversary
Rajmata Mrunalini Devi and Brijraj decided to arrange princess Manyata 's engagement with Heir of Jaigarh to resolve their differences.
Komal wasn't happy with their decision as she didn't want Manyata to have same fate as her own

She tried to argue with them nevertheless her words fall on deaf ears but the day of princess Manyata's engagement didn't turned out to be the way it was planned

During ceremony due to massive fire outbreak in Devgarh palace many people get injured and few even succumb to death
Worst of all Princess Manyata was nowhere to be seen .

Week later ...

Komal's world shattered in front of her eyes when she was asked to identify dismembered corpse of her beloved child

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