Montgomery Gator (Monty) Headcanons (Security Breach)

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■ Angry boi.

■ Sometimes he can have a nervous breakdown over the smallest things.

■ He likes to praise himself.

■ Sometimes he can do private shows for you.

■ He loves when you buy him gifts and praise him. Especially since they came from you.

■ When having a nervous breakdown, he usually tends to break and throw things.

■ If he hurts you in the slightest in one of his fits, he will always blame himself.

■ One of his favorite things is to make guitar solos for you.

■ You are one of the few people who can calm him down.

■ Mostly because of anger issues, people are afraid of him, which makes him sad because it's really heartbreaking when people avoid him.

■ His room.....Uhmmmm very chaotic. And he's too lazy to clean up after he's messed up, so mostly you pick up his mess.

■ If someone tries to hit on you or bothers you, don't worry because Monty will be there to kick their asses.

■ He likes you to sleep on him. (UwU)

■ He's very jealous. Also how. If you're talking to or praising someone other than him, he'll lose his mind.

■ Most of your day is spent at Moty Golf.

■ He likes you hanging out with his other friends. But he's jealous of you staying with them for a long time.

■ He usually tries to impress you by playing golf or playing the guitar.

■ Sometimes he can be very clumsy and unintentionally funny.

■ In his tantrums, he can be scary, but sometimes he can act very funny or say funny things.


■ But even though he is an irresponsible and rude animatronic, he still has sweet and soft sides. If you give him some time, he will give you all his love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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