INTERMISSION | Meadow VS Fahrenheit--Rap Battle

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Fahrenheit: Okay, we're here, let's set the record straight. When it comes to love, you're nothing, but second-rate! I've got more charm than just my smile. I make Cotton happy and you're just not worthwhile!

Meadow: So maybe I'm not like you, with my castle and my style, but I know I'm better for her, you conniving crocodile! I am a hero, I stand for noble and true, and there's no way Cotton would ever fall for you!

Fahrenheit: Oh, please, it's become as clear as day, you haven't got a chance and now there's reckoning to pay. You haven't got the strength, the magic or the skill. You'll find that Cotton and you are a ship that will never ever sail!

Meadow: You say love is taxing, so send me the bill, 'cause I love Cotton like you never will! Love takes brains and guts, and she doesn't need a drake like you, punk!

Fahrenheit: I am a prince, you pitiful excuse for a dragon! So there's really no reason for this war to go on. We all know who's the best when I'm superior to all the rest! So you say I'm the bad guy? Well, that's fine, because soon this kingdom will be mine!

Meadow: You're a prince, yes this is true. But your retirement's long overdue, and it's easy to see, the best drake for the princess is me, not you!

Fahrenheit: You're a coward and you've only grown dafter. We are dragons and there is no happily ever after! Cotton loves me and now it's time that you see, she'll fall for the king of ice not the pauper of the sea.

Meadow: I--

Fahrenheit: You think you're such a hero, but you are nothing more than a zero. You haven't a chance to win her heart and you haven't since the very start. So, give it up, boy, you never had a prayer.

Meadow: So what if I am not a prince or a king? I think our ship has a nicer ring. Metton sounds a whole lot better than lousy Fahrehetton!

Fahrenheit: You're not even rhyming anymore, nevertheless the time has come to settle up the score. Cotton loves me, you ungrateful snake, so you can just go away with your vile and all your fanbase's hate.

Meadow: Ha! At least I have a fan base! You are a ship ranked down in last place! In case you haven't heard, no one wants you, you sorry sinking iceberg!

Fahrenheit: Well, at least I didn't die like a spineless lump of flesh!

Meadow: You haven't got a heart and that's why you're only second best!

Fahrenheit: I can win this fight, it's no trouble at all. I can take you down without ever lifting a claw!

Meadow: You're brawn and no brains so you'll never win this brawl! Just look at the facts, when Cotton's in danger, who's the one she will call?

Fahrenheit: You may think it's sweet, but let me stop right here before you try and speak. When it comes to charm, you know I have you beat!

Meadow: The Defenders will show what we already know. How can you say you will have me beat, when it comes to pressure and you can't stand the heat?


I am strong and a leader, and when you look at it, you are neither! Love and hope will get you nowhere, so don't you see, power and strength are the only way and her hero you will never be!

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