Trust No One

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When Pete graduated high school he expected to have a normal job and life but no...
After seven years He is now stuck working as a "spy" with a bitchy blonde that's reckless and doesn't care
"Can't you land a bit quieter?"
"Shut up"

At the moment the two were currently in an air duct together listening in on conversations between two old guys who seem days away from being in a grave
"If we killed them now we could just hide their bodies"
"We need the information"
"Eh not really"
"I will taze you"
"I'd like it" the blonde winked as Pete rolled his eyes
The two continued to whisper yell at each other until Pete slapped his hand over Patrick's mouth
Pete was listening in on the conversation as the guys discussed the code
"789245" Pete repeated once he heard it

The two hurried their way through the vent to get to the safe room
"Why do we need these documents or whatever?" The blonde asked
"Please stop talking, I have listened to you all day" Pete crawled faster through the vent
"Let's just steal everything then" Patrick picked up his pace
"I'll give you a minute to grab whatever you want" Pete heard the blonde make an excited noise
There's something you might not know
Their not spy's
Their wanted criminals
The two dropped out of the air duct and Pete made his way to the safe while Patrick dug through the jewelry of the wife's "ooh you think these are real diamonds?"
"I could care less" Pete had opened the safe and found the documents, these "documents" hold their criminal records
The plan was to grab it and run if it works out well
"Hurry" Pete had grabbed what he need and was now watching the blonde shove things into his bag "I'm trying" in his hurry he bumped a glass vase and he fell and shattered against the floor "shit"
Pete grabbed the blonde and pulled him into the office room, frantically trying to open the window, Pete heard the footsteps of the men, he got the window open and pushed the blonde out of it "get in the car" Pete said has he got himself out of the window, the two ran to the spot in the woods where they had parked their car, they got in quick and Pete started it, driving off as fast as he could "that was exciting"
"I hate you"
"No you don't, you love me"

The two returned to their base, Patrick emptied his bag on his bed, going through everything he grabbed, Pete shoved the papers into a shredder and grabbed the bottle of wine he took from the guys kitchen
"Next time I'll stay in the car and you can retrieve whatever you want, you were a little less annoying this time so I'll treat you to a house filled with jewels"
Patrick ran to Pete and hugged him "thank yooou!"
Pete smiled but quickly changed his expression "yea whatever"
Pete pulled up into a spot behind the house "go, you're got 5 minutes"
Patrick giggled and kissed Pete's cheek "don't do that ever again"
"Okaaayy" Patrick got out of the car and jumped the fence, going to the back door with a lockpick
Once he was in he went straight for the upstairs bedroom, he could hear two people in the living room so he had to be quiet

Pete sat in the car waiting, rethinking his plan
Patrick snuck past the couple and made it upstairs, he found the bedroom and started filling his bag, once he was done he made his way back downstairs, seeing the couple still on the couch, he was in the kitchen about to go out the door when he heard them talking
"I called them, their on the way"
Patrick's mind instantly went to police, he saw a bottle of gin on the cabinet so he grabbed it a ran
Pete was dozing off until the blonde got into the car like a tornado "what are yo-" "drive"
That's all Pete had to hear
He drove them home and a few hours later headed to a motel
The two made it to the motel and decided to stay the night, Pete was at a bar in the motel getting drunk and Patrick just sat beside him, eventually the went back to their room,
"Listen, I know you're drunk and you won't remember any of this and I am so sorry for what I'm doing" Patrick kissed Pete "I'm sorry"
The blonde took Petes wallet off the table and picked up the keys and his bag
"where're you going?" Pete slurred out
"Nowhere, just be safe okay?"
Patrick walked out the door and got in the car "I'm so sorry" he started the car and drove off

Pete awoke with a killer hangover and very little memory of last night but he does remember a kiss
"Trick!" He shouted
No response
"Trick!!" He got louder
"Ugh" he pushed himself off the couch and went to the bedroom "are you sle-" he glanced around the room, he checked the bathroom and his heart dropped, he frantically looked for his wallet and keys but didn't find them "I know he didn't" he checked the couch cushions
"he promised he wouldn't" he started to tear up "he left" Pete knows how the blonde feels but he always refused the fact he felt the same, Pete tried countless times to call the blonde but there was no answer
He sat himself down on the couch and started thinking on where the blonde could've went until he felt his phone buzzing "where the hell are you!"
"I did something bad"
"I did something really bad"
"I'm sorry"
"what happened?"
Pete felt his blood run cold
"I couldn't control myself, I'm sorry"
"Where are you"
Pete hurried out the door, the park was about two miles from the motel, he'd make it on foot

Patrick sat underneath the trees at the park, he was staring at the blood stain on his jeans "I'm sorry" he cried, he thought taking them out of the picture would help but it made him feel worse

Pete had only been walking for two minutes and he already wanted to die
It's cold and he is shorts and a tank top
"Why would you do this" he whispered as if the blonde was there

Patrick waited for Pete to arrive
Seeing the looks on their faces as he stabbed them wasn't what he thought it would be
He thought he would feel happiness
But he felt
He should've listened to Pete
Pete had made it to the park and found the blonde
"How you feeling?"
Remember the two old guys?
Those two guys were their fathers who work with police, they were on a search for the two kids
And Patrick finished his job
Seeing the look on his dad's face and he stabbed him in the back made him feel like the worst person ever
"It's okay"
"Please don't cry"
"I shouldn't h-have killed t-them" the blonde cried
"I know, just calm down
"B-but it was-"
"I love you "
"I love you too "
It had started raining and Patrick felt it was the right moment to do this, Patrick stared into Petes eyes, they both leaned in for a kiss, they held each other has their lips connected, it felt amazing until Pete felt a sharp pain in his back, the kiss ended as he stared at Patrick, the knife in his back said it all
"I'm sorry" the blonde whispered as he pulled the knife out of Pete's back, his body fell back against the ground "w-why" Pete stuttered out quietly
"This is how it goes"
Patrick stabbed the knife into Pete's leg and kneeled down and gave Pete one final kiss "it's everyone for themselves honey" Patrick grabbed the box that was in the pocket of Pete's shorts, it was the only thing Pete had grabbed when he left the motel "it's a beautiful ring, thank you"
Pete felt betrayed has the blood was draining out of his body "y-you"
"Shh it'll be over soon"
The blonde walked away from the scene as a tear slid down his cheek "I love you" he whispered to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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