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Chris looked at the picture once more. Scarlet James, 32, Freelance photographer. Born in Dallas, TX and currently resides in Boston, MA. He thought she was beautiful from the moment he saw her portrait and nervousness grew inside of him. Why the hell was he nervous? Perhaps it was because he agreed to do the contest in the first place or maybe it was the fact that she was breathtakingly beautiful. Whichever of the two it was, he wished the feeling went away.

His thoughts were interrupted when Sebastian came in the room. "You look deep in thought over there. What's going on?"

Chris shook his head. "I don't know, man. This contest has really gotten the better of me, I guess. I don't even know why I agreed to do it in the first place."

Sebastian sat down on the leather sofa and propped his feet on the coffee table, stretching his arms along the back of the furniture. "I don't know why you're in such a tether over it, Chris. Apparently a gorgeous girl won, you should feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now." Sebastian gave a nod of his head. "You have her picture? Let me see."

Chris ran his fingers through his hair and retrieved the picture from the table and handed it to him. "She is gorgeous, that's for sure."

"No fucking way..." Sebastian mumbled and chuckled to himself. "Scarlet won?"

Chris gave Sebastian a confused look. "You know her?"

"She's the one I asked out a few weeks ago but she turned me down flat, man. Said her heart was elsewhere, but we've established a good friendship." Sebastian turned his gaze towards Chris. "You should feel damn lucky. She's smart, beautiful, mature... and she's not a part of Hollywood which is what you've wanted isn't it?"

Chris couldn't argue with him. He'd done the dating within Hollywood for several years and none of them ever worked out. Eventually, he wanted to find someone who wasn't a part of the Hollywood scene, someone who he could just be his normal self with. "What's she like?"

Sebastian threw his head back. "She's a woman who knows what she wants that's for sure. She's funny, she has a quick wit about her and she's so kind. Been through a lot from what she's told me so far, so she has this vulnerability to her yet this amazing amount of strength at the same time."

"She sounds pretty amazing." Chris picked up the picture again. "What if I'm not what she's expecting?"

Sebastian laughed. "Highly doubtful. You really didn't notice her a few weeks ago? She kept trying to get your attention for just a few quick photos, but the other photographers and interviewers swarmed over to you."

Chris would have remembered Scarlet if he had noticed her, he wasn't one to forget that kind of beauty. Their paths just didn't align that night, but this date would make up for it. To him, she seemed interesting enough so far from what Sebastian told him so he was willing to take a chance and... it seemed like she was a chance worth taking.

Scarlet stepped off the airplane and headed inside the LAX airport to retrieve her luggage. She was just at the airport a few weeks ago yet she still couldn't remember where baggage claim was. After walking around aimlessly, she finally found the baggage claim area and pulled her suitcase from the conveyor belt.

Pulling out her phone, she sent Hayleigh a quick text to let her know she had arrived safely and was now searching for the driver who would take her to the hotel. She wished she could have had her best friend with her throughout the week, it would have felt more comfortable for her. She saw an older gentleman holding a sign with her name on it. "Excuse me, I believe you're waiting for me. I'm Scarlet Evans."

"How do you do, Miss Evans? Follow me." The driver had a distinct voice and led her to the black sedan, opening up the back door for her and placed her suitcase in the trunk. "Is this your first time here?"

"No, I was here just a few weeks ago for an awards show. I'm a photographer so I took some photos of the event." She told him, taking the top off the champagne bottle and poured it into a glass.

"That must be an exciting career." The driver said, looking at Scarlet from the mirror on the windshield. "I guess your job allows you to travel a lot for different things."

"Mm. It does." She took a sip of the champagne and licked her lips. "I love what I do. I'm my own boss, so I don't have to worry about company meetings or being late for work."

"Well, here we are." The driver pulled up alongside of the curb and after finishing her glass of Rosé, the door swung open and Scarlet got out.

"Holy mother of bells." She said to herself, observing the exterior of the Beverly Hills Plaza Hotel. "This is... extraordinary." When Scarlet walked inside, it was even more beautiful - the ornate gold decor, the crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling, the table that in the center of the lobby that was decorated with roses. "I feel like I've just stepped into a dream."

"You must be Scarlet," a gentleman said from behind.

Scarlet turned around and shyly smiled at him. "Yes, sir. And you are...?"

He stuck out his hand to introduce himself. "I'm Josh, I'm Chris' agent. I just wanted to stop by and make sure you arrived safely. How do you like the hotel? Does it fit your needs okay?"

"It's absolutely beautiful. I can only imagine what my room looks like... probably just as grand and glamorous, I'm sure." Scarlet returned her attention to the older man. "I want to say thank you for this... amazing opportunity." He didn't realize it, but he and whoever else was involved had made her dreams come true.

"Don't thank me." He chuckled. "You'll want to thank the one who actually chose you in a matter of a few hours." He motioned for Scarlet to take a seat in the couch in the lobby. "So, let me give you a low down on the itinerary for the week. Tonight starts with the movie premiere; you'll have a selection of evening dresses to choose from and we'll have the makeup and hair team come to your room around 4 and then Chris will come and pick you up personally. Then, you and Chris will have a private dinner at one of the finest restaurants in L.A.."

Scarlet listened intently to what Josh was saying, trying not to feel so overwhelmed.

"The rest of the week will be entirely up to the two of you." Josh clasped his hands together and leaned closer to Scarlet. "I know it's a lot to take in right now, but I can assure you that you're in good hands here." He cleared his throat. "Well, I best be going. Scarlet, lovely to have met you. I look forward to seeing you again soon."

"You as well, sir." She stood up and shook his hand one more time before he exited the building. She looked at the time on her phone, seeing that it was already quarter to 2 and asked the receptionist at the desk for her room key. A penthouse suite had been given to her, a complimentary gift basket and bottle of champagne awaited her and the room had a view of the L.A. skyline. Scarlet took out her phone and took a picture, sending it to not only Hayleigh but Sebastian as well letting him know that she was back in the city for about a week. He asked her to join him for coffee in the morning and Scarlet happily agreed. Life back home in Boston suddenly seemed less interesting.

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