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You turn around.

"What are you doing here?"

Jeongin sticks his hands in his pockets. "Same as you, I guess."

You raise an eyebrow. "And what, I pray thee, do you suppose I'm doing?"

"Ummm... Hiding?"

You purse your lips. "Are you sure? Or are you only thinking that's what I'm doing because that's what you're doing?" 

He shrugs sheepishly, and you tell yourself that it is so not a cute move. That he is annoying.

You open your mouth to say something reproachful,  but what comes out instead is "Where were you yesterday?"

Jeongin scrunches his eyes slightly, as if he can't remember what you're talking about. "Yesterday?"

"Our tutoring session? I couldn't wait around for you because I had work." You refrain from mentioning that you had texted to the point of embarrassment.

"Ohhh. Yeah, I remember now. Umm..." He scratches the back of his neck as if he isn't sure whether or not to tell you the truth. "I, um... I had an appointment."

"An appointment."

"Yeah. I completely forgot about our meeting."

You chew your tongue, wondering where this painfully shy boy could've possibly gone.

He peeks at you through lowered lashes, seeming nervous.

Then it hits you.

The rumors you've been hearing. Something about Jeongin being a part of some band that's apparently had a fairly big debut.

Was that what his apparent appointment was for? Did he have a recording session yesterday? Or maybe he was in a mirrored room, moving his body to the beat. You dismiss the second thought because one, you can't imagine Jeongin dancing, and two, the image of him moving in any way that could be considered sensual sends heat rushing throughout your entire body.

"Is everything okay?" You asks cautiously. You don't want him to think you care about him. It's just basic concern for a fellow human being.

Jeongin looks down. "Yeah. Thanks." He seems too shy to be a performer of any sort.

Taking a chance, you ask "Anything you feel like sharing?"

He glances up with a shy smile on his lips. "Oh, uh. No, it's cool. You'd probably just find it boring."

Or maybe, you realize, he's a better performer than you dare give him credit for. The tone of his voice, the slight tilt of his head, the way his dimples are slightly showing all bring you to the conclusion that he desperately wants to tell you whatever it is that he did, but he's holding back. Why? 

"Whatever," you say with a shrug. "Your choice." You turn away to grab your bag before the bell rings.

He looks down, debating. "Hey, um, y/n?"

You don't look over. "Yeah?"

"Are you free tomorrow?"

You straighten up. "What? Why?"

He looks startled. "Umm.... Because I missed our tutoring session yesterday, and I really do need help with DE Physics III. So I was asking if you'd be willing to meet up after school to help my study for my test next week."  He notices the way your shoulders relax and your brow unknits. "What... what did you think I was going to say?"

"Nothing,," you mumble. No point in admitting that you were thinking he was about to ask you out. Finally. "Whatever. Yes, I'm free tomorrow, Jeongin."

"Actually, how about same time, same place?" He asks hesitantly.

You raise an eyebrow. "Do you remember the when and where from yesterday?"

"I meant here. At lunch."

You bite your lip. "That's not much time. After school. We can meet here at the final bell."

He barely even hesitates. "Deal."

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