Nilou help me

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Cyno led the dancers to Grand Bazar unnoticed and then he left.
During their whole jurney, Y/n didn't dare to talk to him.

She felt like she would cry the moment their eyes met. So she tried to ignore him as much as possible.

It's been three days and Nilou
knew something was wrong. She looked at Y/n and noticed sadness in her eyes.

She draged her away from the crowd to have a private chat.

"Hey Y/n... Did anyone ever tell you you're bad at hiding your feelings?"

"No they told me I'm great at it actually..."

"Hmm, well I see somethings bothering you. If you don't share your wories, they'll never go away..."

This is ti.. she couldn't hold it anymore. Y/n, the person known for her porcelain face finaly cried infront of someone.

She then told Nilou everything. About how she got her vision, how she became member of that awful dancing group of kidnappers, how she pushed Cyno away when he tried to help her.


'I originaly do come from Sumeru, but I visited all the Nations eventualy. At first, I wasn't really into dancing, but my sister loved it and I thought it would make her happy if she saw I also cared about dancing. Our family didn't relly like art in that way, but they'd let us do what we enjoyed.

Soon I realised dancing made me calm and helped me relax and think. Now I knew why my sister was so passionate about it.

Then, my whole world collapsed.Me and my sister were out collecting few things for our parents.

We were done earlier so we decided to go to forest and dance a little. Then we were attacked. Few people came towards us from every side.

They nocked down my sister while I was trying to resist. They were paning to kill her, the only person I looked up to.

So I decided to make a deal with them. I'll go with them and do whatever they ask, as long as she's safe.

That's what happened, I became part of their group and witnesed them taking few other people. I obtained my vision at the time, they let me keep if under agreement I won't try to escape with it.

Some children were born into this so they don't know how dark this group is. Three years ago, I got a message, saying my family was killed in some acident.

Ever since then I felt even worse, even if I managed to get away, where would I go? Who is there to be by my side..?

I decided to bear this burden alone. But when I met Cyno, for the first time in so long I felt that glimpse of hope. But it faded when he said de retired from that position.

Now he really left forever, and only person who still cares for me... Is Nilou.'


Nilou was at the loss of words, all
this time. Y/n was trying her best to survive in this cruel world since young age.

She had no one to really support her.

Nilou decided it was enough. She promised Y/n she'll find a way to help her. And she planned to do it asap.


Cyno was in Aaru village. This was his 3rd day there and Candace was worried. He never stayed
this long. So she decided to
talk to him.

"You're a big idiot you know that Cyno." But someone was faster.

Cyno looked at person who daed to say something bad about the General Mahamatra.

"You're here, being the laziest person I know while Nilou  is trying to help the girl that needs you."

It was Dehya. Nilou knew she met Cyno before so she had to know where he would be and she gave her a letter to give to Cyno.

Cyno was confused. She handed him the letter wich he slowly opened and started reading.

In less then a minute he was out of Aaru village and heading to Grand Bazar.

'Those low-life inbecils won't know what got them once I'm finished with them.'

✅Her dance (Cyno x reader)[SHORT STORY]Where stories live. Discover now