Chapter 4

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I managed to put the Rebels off our tracks, at least for a bit. I make my way quickly back to the group. I walk up to the front but as I pass Lily, I grab her hand and squeeze it, we both smile at each other as she squeezes mine back. I want to make sure she is okay. I continue up to the front, to where L.T. is. The rest of us make our way up too. I get there just as Zee gives L.T. the phone, I'm guessing Captain Rhodes is on. He's on the phone for a minute. We all regroup at L.T. to figure out what our next move is. L.T. then begins, "Here's the deal. It's been strongly suggested that we turn over Arthur and abandon these refugees out here in the bush. I'll tell you right now I'm not gonna do that. I can't do that. I broke my own rule. I started to give a fuck and brought you guys along with me. We're about to walk into some serious shit. Before we do, I'd just like to hear what you guys have to say about it. That's all. Speak freely." Lake then says, "In my opinion, sir, we cut our losses. This isn't our fucking war. As far as me being in or out you know the answer to that." Doc then says, "Let's get these people to safety. Let's finish the job." L.T. looks to Silk as he says, "I can't leave them, sir." Flea then says, "I'm good to go." L.T. then turns his head to the side and says, "What about you, Red?"

"You know I can't look at them like packages anymore. I can't give up on them. On her." I look over at Lily to remind myself why I'm doing this. I look back and the boys and continue, "I'm gonna get them out or I'm gonna die trying." L.T. then looks at Slo as he says, "Are we there yet?" L.T. nods and says, "Thanks, fellas." L.T. takes a minute then says, "Strip those packs down to rolling gear only. Have the refugees drop anything that don't go 'boom.' Let's move." We all then stand and start moving to get sorted. L.T. shouts, "Double time. Let's go. Hustle." I then walk over to Lily, I put my hand on her shoulder, she looks up and sees it's me. She smiles and stands up as she says, "Hey. You okay?" I nod and say, "Yeah. We're getting ready to move into hell. I want you to stay close to me or at least one of the guys. I don't want you getting separated. I don't want to lose you. Promise me?" She nodded and said "I will stick to you like glue. If I do get separated from you, I will find one of the guys. But you have to promise me too, you be careful. You need to come out the other end too." I nodded at her, I quickly pull her to me and kiss her with all my might. She kisses me back with just as much emotion behind it. We pull apart and I say, "We will make it out the other side together." She smiled at me and said "Together."

Lilian POV

I'm picking up my backpack when Lt. Waters approaches me, I look at him as he says, "I know you used to be special Task Force, I was told that if needed, I could use you as part of my team. I think this qualifies as needed." He then held out a gun, I looked at him and then took the gun from him, I prepared it for operation. I looked at Lt. Waters and said "Where do you want me?" He smiled and said "Stay with Lena and the group as you are still one of the packages but you help protect the other packages. Watch your back." I nodded and walked over to James. He looked up and noticed I had a gun, he turned and said "Who gave you that?" I smiled and said "You can ask your Lieutenant. I am now a part of your team, well until we are in Cameroon anyway." He smiled and said, "Your Task Force training is coming in handy." I smiled and said "Yep. Didn't think I would need it now though. But, I'm ready." We then get ready to go.

We start our trek into the belly of the beast, we're almost there. I just don't know how I'm going to cope back in America but hopefully, James will be there to help. The soldiers are in front, Lake out in front, and the rest of us have hunkered down to wait. Lt. Waters turns towards everyone and says, "Everybody down. Get down. Get down." We wait a minute when we all of a sudden hear a gunshot. The soldiers and I look to our left for where it came from. Lt. Waters then shouts, "Zee!" Zee then says, "Smoke! Give me smoke!" Zee then shouts, "Go!" He then shoots as James throws a grenade. Once Lake is up with the help of Lt. Waters and Doc, a rocket is launched towards us, it hits just to the left of us. Lt. Waters shouts, "Get down!" We all hit the deck and begin shooting the fuckers. We all keep moving forward as we shoot. Lena suddenly hits the deck in fear. She is freaking out. I stop and try to talk to her but she isn't hearing me. A grenade then hits just to the left of us, knocking us on our sides. I quickly check that Lena is okay. I can hear grenades getting thrown and exploding all over the place. I suddenly get flying backward and get knocked out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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