Zero to Hero: Part 1

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The portal seemed to go on and on forever. Swirling and throwing me around like a rag doll, and jerking me around so much, I was starting to get a migraine. I almost didn't even want to know how long I was stuck in that thing, but I only hoped that Aladdin and Genie were alright. Until finally, it stopped and dumped me and I hit my head on something. Knocking me out immediately and leaving me wherever I was.

I didn't even want to know how long I was out, but when I finally woke up, I found myself in what looked like a horse stable. My head hurt, but other than that, I was okay. My only concern was that I didn't know where I was, and that wouldn't serve me any good if I was just going to sit in the stable and do nothing. I had to get out of there to A: Find out where I was and B: Figure out another way to get home without the spell.

But just as I was about to leave, I heard a very loud horse whinny from inside the stable. I whipped my head around and saw the most amazing animal I've ever seen. A white stallion with a blue mane and tail tied up in ropes, but that wasn't what amazed me. This horse had wings like an eagle, and I knew exactly who he was and what world I was in.

"Pegasus?" I questioned.

Well, this sight was a dream come true for me. I was now in my favorite Disney movie, Hercules. And I must've fallen into the same stable that Pain and Panic led Pegasus into to trap him so he couldn't help Hercules. Which meant that Hades' takeover on Olympus was already happening.

The winged horse turned his head my way and snorted when he heard me say his name. He then pinned his ears back and tried to rear up on his tied up hind legs in an angry manner. I guess he must've thought I was one of the imps in disguise or that I also worked for Hades and wasn't too keen on trusting me. In any case, I had to be careful. A tied up and angry horse could be as dangerous as a spooked horse.

"Easy, boy." I said as I calmly held up my hands in defense and carefully walked in front of him, showing him that I wasn't a threat. "I won't hurt you."

Pegasus stomped his front hooves to the ground, and the moment he saw me show defense and that I meant no harm, his ears pointed upward, and he seemed to calm down. I held a hand out for him to smell, hoping he wouldn't see that I was a threat. The horse smelled my hand and then started smelling my face. And before I knew it, Pegasus bowed his head towards me and allowed me to pet him. I've now earned his trust.

"There, that's it." I told him as I petted him on the head. "Good horse."

Just then, the stable door swung open, and when Pegasus and I turned to see who had entered -well, I shouldn't have been so surprised. Meg carefully walked in as Pegasus reared up again in an angry manner. Yeah, safe to say that he did not trust Meg as much as he trusted me.

"Easy, horse feathers." Meg tried to calm the horse down, only to have him nearly kick her in the face. 

I jumped in front of Meg in case Pegasus decided to hurt her for -well- everything she did while she worked for Hades.

"Take it easy, buddy." I calmed him down with my hands raised in defense. 

When the horse realized that I was in his kicking zone, he stopped and put his hooves back to the ground. I sighed a breath of relief and looked over my shoulder at Meg.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Who are you?" Meg asked me. 

Well, that interaction didn't go as I planned.

"Call me Frankie." I told her as I started untying Pegasus' restraints around his wings and side. "C'mon, help me get him out of here."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Meg said as she untied Pegasus' front legs. "How did you get here?"

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