1: The New World

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A/N- I'm not entirely sure the proper way to write in 2nd POV, so I'm gonna just do it my own way

Xiao leans his lower body forward, swinging his legs back and forth as they drape the terraces' railings of Wangshu Inn. Lumine is standing next to him with her arms folded across the fencing. She takes a deep breath in and lets out a sigh, "Xiao the other day I ran into a Fatui member." Xiao spins his head from the night sky towards her with a slight worry in his expression, but says nothing as she continues her story, "he told me something interesting." Lumine pauses for a moment and her eyes slowly blink at the starry night. Her serious expression turned towards Xiao as their eyes meet, "he told me that he heard that my brother showed up at one of their bases demanding one of the harbingers for a Gnosis."

Xiao's voice, raspy and quiet, questioned, "why would he need a Gnosis?" 

Lumine averts her attention back to the sky and leans her chin onto her folded arms. "I don't know but now I have a lead for his whereabouts."

"Are you prepared to fight not only the Fatui Harbinger but whatever other Fatuis are in the base?"

"I need to find him..." 

Paimon jumps in, "it's okay, Paimon may not be strong but I'll make sure no harm comes to you!"

Xiao huffed in annoyance and ignored Paimon, "I'll come with you then."

"Thank you" she lifts her head and smiles at him. Suddenly a beam of light from afar in the distance brightens up their faces. The two immediately turn their heads to notice something hurtling down from the sky very fast. Xiao's eyebrows narrow and he suddenly disappears leaving behind black and green aura.


Your eyes remain closed as gravity pulls you downwards from the sky. Accelerating at an enormous rate, your body slowly begins to engulf itself in flames the further down you go. All of a sudden, Xiao places his hands around you, scooping you up into his arms bridal style, and disperses from the air back to the terrace. Lumine with such a worried expression on her face,  rushes over to the scene alongside Paimon, "is she okay?" Xiao closes his eyes and replies with a head shake. "We have to take her to Bubu Pharmacy. It's the closest place for her to heal."

"Then can you take her...I'd rather not go there."

"Xiao, Paimon thinks that's a bad idea. The traveler isn't that strong."

Lumine folds her arms and gives her a death stare, "what exactly are you implying here Paimon...?"

"Ehe...nothing" Paimon nervously chuckles.

"Fine I will carry her but you do the talking. And then I am leaving. I can't stand being in the city."


It's you!

A tiny voice envelopes your ears as it echoes inside your head. Your eyes slowly start to flutter open and you're met with a purple haired child. "Oh. You are awake. Qiqi forgot what Qiqi was supposed to do if that happens." Your head slowly shifts from one side to the other as you look around the unfamiliar yet familiar area you're in. Your eyes set on the child as your breathing stops for a second out of disbelief. "You're...you're Qiqi..."

"That is Qiqi's name, Qiqi thinks. Have we met? Qiqi doesn't remember." You slowly start to sit up and shake your head. "People brought you here. Qiqi doesn't remember who. Will go look for them."

The Flower That Once Reached You(Xiao x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now