Chapter Three

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Jasper stared at the sunset, thinking about how to escape. He wondered how much the fall from the balcony to the gardens would hurt. With his injuries and possibly broken back, a lot. He could climb the vines, but there was always the possibility of them snapping under his weight. Instead, he headed back inside to the room, closing the door behind him. Why was he here? What did the prince want from him? More importantly, was there food? Jasper examined the room for anything he could use against intruders or make into a weapon. He noticed the room was bare of anything pointy or of danger. Giving in to the incoming sleep, Jasper took off his ragged cape and boots, climbing into the bed that could easily fit five people. It was exceedingly comfortable, the pile of pillows lulling him into a deep slumber, getting rid of his problems until morning.


In the meantime, Aelis struggled to come up with plans to rescue Jasper. And her daughter didn't make it any easier. She was crying again. Leaving her plans and notes on the table, she headed over to her baby's room, picking her up from the crib and placing a soft kiss on her head. She took her out to the living room, placing her down on the floor and sitting with her. Evelyn struggled to stand, but she did it. She stumbled towards her mother; her legs wobbly as she did so. While Aelis didn't ever plan on having a child, the best things come unexpectedly. She loved Evelyn with all her heart, and would always love her. Her father didn't know about her. In fact, Aelis doubted that Evelyn's father even remembered Aelis. Pirates never remembered. Especially the most famous ones.

It had been a one-night stand situation after the breakup between Aelis and her ex-lover. She had realized she was with child 15 weeks later and decided to keep her. Aelis never told the father, she doubted he would ever care. Being the best-known pirate in the world, Nero lived carefreely and sailed around the world with no worries about others apart from his ship crew.

The assassin drifted out of her thoughts when the maid entered the room asking if she should take Evelyn. Aelis nodded and kissed her daughter once more and returned to her work. How she was going to rescue Jasper, she had no clue. Deciding to ponder this in the morning, she headed to her room, her thoughts swirling around her head.


Jasper awoke to his bedroom door being slammed open and the sound of guards rushing into the room. He barely had enough time to come to his senses before they dragged him out of bed and pinned him face-first against the wall, tying his hands together behind his back. "While this is a very nice good morning gift, can someone explain what the fuck is going on?" he groaned, the pain in his injuries becoming prominent.

"Silence!" the king boomed, approaching him menacingly. "You have exactly 30 seconds to explain why you are here," he growled, grasping his neck and pushing him closer to the wall. Jasper gasped for air and clawed at the ropes binding him. He never thought he would be grateful to hear the young prince's voice.

"Enough! Dad, you're hurting him!" he exclaimed

"What is he doing here?"

Brian was silent.


"Alright! I brought him here," Brian gave into his father's command.

"Why would you do such a foolish thing?!"

"I... listen. I have a plan. But I... I can't tell you the plan in the open. Somewhere more private is preferable," Brian told his dad.

The king took a few minutes to decide. Jasper wished and prayed he would decide faster, as he was essentially pinned to the wall and couldn't breathe properly. "Alright," he decided, stepping away from Jasper, allowing him to resume breathing. The guards also released him, letting him fall to the ground. The assassin coughed and gasped as his wounds burned and stung. Brian made his way over to him to help Jasper up but ended up getting swatted away and receiving a snarky look.

Soon enough, the king, the prince, and the assassin were sitting at a round table, alone and undisturbed. "So, son, what is this great plan of yours? You end up messing them up in the end anyway," the king cleared his throat, leaning forward.

The prince blushed and looked down, taking time to figure out how he was going to phrase his sentences and explanations. "Well? We're waiting."

"Actually, yes, we are waiting. You essentially kidnapped me with no explanation on why I was kidnapped," Jasper pointed out.

"If you weren't an assassin and killing everyone who was in my court, I might actually like you," the king mused.

"Okay. Here's the plan. Or what I have so far. Dad, as you know, multiple kingdoms and continents have been under attack by what is believed to be Death himself. They've contacted us many times, pleading for help and supplies, yet we've ignored them. Now, I'm not saying we should've helped, we have our own kingdom to look out for. But hear me out. I think I've found a solution to all of this. It's not going to be easy, but it's our best shot.

"I've made a list of all the criminals and outcasts that this kingdom has experienced. I believe that with their help, we can defeat this worldwide threat that is haunting us," Brian concluded.

Jasper had to admit, it was a good plan. The king though... had different opinions. "And how do you plan on getting all of these criminals and outcasts to work with you?" he mused.

"I... I'm still working on that," Brian murmured.

"Well until you come up with a better plan, I'm afraid I can't help. Besides, why help kingdoms fight their battles? It's not our problem."

"It will be if we don't do anything! We'll eventually get flooded with whatever Death uses to take over kingdoms. Look at what damage he's already done! He's taken over some of the strongest and most ancient kingdoms that are powered through centuries of unknown magic. We don't stand a chance against him! Not... not unless we do something," The prince argued.

The king looked at his son for a few seconds before he replied with a hard, "No."


"No. I'm putting my foot down. I will not let you use resources and supplies for a half-complete plan that we're not even sure is going to work!"

"For once in your life, will you trust me?! I'm doing what is best for the kingdom. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? I'm trying to pave a path that will lead me to be a good king, just like you. But you have to trust me. Please," he pleaded.

They stared each other down until the king finally broke. "Fine. You can do it. BUT! You must find your supplies and how you're going to get around. I'll provide minimum help, but this is on you. If it fails, it's on you."

"And if it succeeds? Are you going to take credit again, like everything good I've done?"

"That is no way to speak to your king! I have already given you permission to do this, do not make me take it away," the king growled, leaving the room with a slamming of the door.

"Well, that went well," Jasper scoffed, speaking for the first time since Brian had started his explanation.

"He's not the easiest to get along with. Never really liked me in the first place," Brian muttered.

"Did I ask?" the assassin asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I-... no."


a/n: i love jasper. where can i find him? amazon? target? ebay?  

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