Chapter 1

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Author's Note: 

Inspired by the Madan Fun Photoshoot


Santa can't help but to tilt his body towards Earth.

In every interview, every photoshoot, every project they work on together, even in scenes where they're fighting, he always gets so close that the staff invariably tells him to move further apart.

"Don't crowd Earth, Santa!" A staff member yells during their latest photoshoot.

They are doing a spread for a magazine and even though Earth had just been in his lap a moment before, Santa can't help but to stand too close now. He had thoroughly enjoyed the way Earth's small frame fit on just one of his thighs and wished they could've spent a little more time in that pose. Unfortunately, the photographer arranged them standing now and Santa had to be a little more inventive to get as close as he could.

Santa makes a face and scooches an inch or two to the right, keeping his hand on the edge of the fabric doing a horrible job of covering Earth's shoulder.

"Yeah Santa, stop crowding me." Earth mocks with smiles in his eyes as he pushes Santa a little further away.

"You got me." Santa declares dramatically, facetiously staggering back a few steps on the floor of the shoot. He comes back up and walks over with enough bravado that no one notices that he is as close to Earth as he originally was.

Their antics go ignored, this is par the course when they're working together and everyone enjoys the playful atmosphere they imbue. While the photographer changes lenses, Earth shakes out his bangs and pulls out a pink compact mirror. Santa wonders where he hid it, considering the stylists had given him such little clothing.

Unable to help himself, Santa reaches over, "Here, let me help you with that." He puts his face a little too close to Earth's and combs his blunt fingers through Earth's silky hair.

He smells like strawberries and cream, so pleasant, fresh, sweet, and fruity mixed with his natural scent; a promising undercurrent. Santa arranges a few pieces of hair to fall artfully over Earth's eyes and is thankful for the layers of foundation they beat onto his face. He hopes it hides his blush.

They turn back around and continue posing.

Earth twirls this way and that, totally in his element with the cameras flashing at him. He serves the cutest looks and prettiest smiles.

Santa doesn't have as much experience in the industry as Earth, but he's learned so much from observation and Earth's gentle direction. Santa delivers his signature smolder and gets no complaints.

He directs his gaze at Earth, and Earth conjures a charmed look to his face. Santa loves these curated looks, but he likes it better when it's just the two of them and Earth isn't focused on hamming it up for the camera.

They find their way back into each other's orbits. Santa's hands graze gently along Earth's back, along his arms, and along his waist while they pose. He half hopes that Earth will finally get the hint, and half hopes that the staff doesn't notice because he doesn't want to stop.

They wrap for the day not too long after and Santa follows Earth back to his makeup station.

He should probably go back to his own chair and change out of his wardrobe, but he doesn't want to stop hanging out with Earth just yet.

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