Chapter 1

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Somewhere in the Asteroid System, the Axis, UC Universe

"All systems green. Psycho Big Zam is ready for launch, puru."

A ten year old orange haired girl in her red pilot suit and helmet declared as she was sitting on one of the three pilot seats of the Big Zam's cockpit block: a pilot, a radar operator, and a gunner; though it can be operated by a single pilot with the assistance of computers. Of course, she took the pilot's seat at the center and her white and violet Mobile Armor was outfitted with the Psycommu System which would allow her to control it as a Cyber Newtype.

The MA-13 Psycho Big Zam, the Prototype Cyber Newtype-use Anti-Fortress Heavy Assault Space Mobile Armor.

It was developed by Neo Zeon at some point after the One Year War ended and the Zeon loyalists had fled to Axis, refusing to surrender to the Earth Federation in defiance. This Mobile Armor was supposed to be the second Big Zam unit produced at A Baoa Qu for the hypothetical company of Big Zams that was planned to be used against Jaburo as Vice-Admiral Dozle Zabi once bragged, "Once the Big Zam goes into mass production, it'll be the end of the Federation!"

Unfortunately, Dozle Zabi perished at the Battle of Solomon where the original Big Zam was destroyed by Amuro Ray in his RX-78-2 Gundam with the aid and heroic sacrifice of Sleggar Law in his G-Fighter, ending the Zeon resistance in Solomon.

After the One Year War, the second Big Zam unit was taken by the Zeon loyalists during their exodus to Axis, refusing to allow the Federation to get their hands on the Mobile Armor. During the rebuilding and reorganization of their military strength, the Neo Zeon had modified the second unit to not only have a Psycommu System along with 12 Funnels and 11 Bits stored inside several hangars across the body, it also have a Minovsky Craft System for propulsion and two extra Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactors as backup generators which remain dormant until emergency use.

Along with its two massive legs that can bend and fold to provide extra rocket thrust.

And it's piloted by a 1 Cyber Newtype pilot.

"Confirmed, all systems of the Mobile Armor are green. You're good to go, Ensign Audrey Burne.", someone at the mission control from the Axis.

But that's not really my name. I'm Ple Twelve, puru!, she thought as she checked through the controls of the Psycho Big Zam with everything labeled on it. That also includes the I-Field switch, which had a very small warning on it about potentially making the fusion reactors overheat if it was left on for too long.

Ple Twelve was one of the several clones of Elpeo Ple, a powerful Newtype girl, created by Glemy Toto who conspired to usurp the leadership of New Zeon from Haman Karn who currently served as regent of the young Mineva Lao Zabi whom she used as a figurehead and someone to rally the Zeon loyalists to Axis. Of course it took him some years to properly grow and develop the Ples in their pods while ensuring their existence remained a secret underneath Haman's nose.

By the time they're finished, Glemy then put the Ples under cold sleep in the storage unit of the Sandra, keeping them in reserve until he chooses to release one or two of them if he had uses for them or on a whim as he pleases. As such, Ple Twelve had the "honor" of piloting the Psycho Big Zam and whether or not she lives or dies, the blonde ambitious Neo Zeon officer can just get another Ple to replace her in her stead.

And now I'm testing out an experimental hyperdrive for Neo Zeon which may or may not probably work. But orders are orders and good soldiers follow orders, puru!, Ple Twelve thought with a casual shrug as she began to activate the Psycho Big Zam with the controls on the console.

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