My Inner Child

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I keep my inner child in the center of my heart
Because it's like a little shell keeping her safe
But my heart is fractured
Fragile pieces of dandelion fluff and lost dreams
Shreds of paper and unfinished sentences
Cut off or erased
Pieces of crystal that if you scrutinize will crack further
My heart is falling apart
But it's held together
By the colorful curling bandaids of childhood
And newer ones slaped over top
To keep it from collapsing
So it keeps it's shape
But some peices are just dust now
I'm trying to protect her but even the inner edges
Are jagged
And they're poking her
But not as much as they'd poke at her
If I let them
If I let her out
Released her
Them hurting her would hurt us both
And while I'm used to some pain
I'm sure this would be worse
Peircing instead of stabbing
Gorging instead of scratching
So I protect her
And keep her entombed
To keep me burned
But us scar free
It feels like a bittersweet betrayal
And the only way I can keep her trapped
Is by deluding myself
That because they hate me they'd hate her
She doesn't deserve this
But they don't deserve her
And she doesn't deserve how they'd treat her
How they thought they treated her
But she's been caged a lot longer than anyone knows
You gave me a golden cage for her
When she was already trapped
And you kept the spare key for your own gain
But her prison is of glass and paper and dandelion fluff
Bandaids don't heal
But she'll be okay
She sees rainbows in the shards of glass
Makes poetry from broken words
Hears the dreams in the dandelion fluff
And draws on the bandaids used to cover wounds
That they could never fix

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