Every Little Moment II

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As someone looking from the outside, you could say Pam and Grinch were a bit fast with their relationship. But, on the other hand, you probably wouldn't if you'd known the whole picture...


Back during their first visit:

"That reminds me. Donna, how are Cindy and the boys doing?"

"Fine, thanks", she told him.

"Who's watching them right now?"

"My mother. She flew in for the holidays."

"So...she'll be... helping out?"

Pam whispers to Guy and Michellee, "Boy, he asked that awfully slowly."

"What was that, Pam?"

"Nothing." She then pretends to tap an invisible wall. She whispers some more, "Yep. This tension's thick."


Pam meant that as just a small joke, but it was true. Grinch and Donna had such thick tension between themselves, you'd get stuck in it like a fly in honey.

On the way back down Mt. Crumpit, after asking Grinch for help with making a new baby gadget, Pam and him lingered towards the back of the group to continue their conversation in private.

"By the way, I wasn't trying to be mean earlier", Pam whispered. 

"You referring to the talk in the lounge?"


"Oh. It's fine. You don't need to apologize for that."

"No, no. I insist." Pam gave Grinch a couple pats on his shoulder. "I hope you didn't think I was being judge-y or anything along those lines."

"It's all fine, Pam."

They continued walking for a little more time. Pam pursed her lips, ready to ask another question. But, to be completely honest, she was starting to think she had a crush on this man. His knack for mechanics, his intricate planning and his drive to act on said plans, even if they're not quite morally pure. Something about his drive for the cause reminded her of her son's girlfriend, Gluntz. And if Sam could love someone with an unbreakable moral code like that...


After Pam's fight with Kyler Twotymer:

"Pam, stop. Don't kill him."

"Why? You don't know this man like I do!"

"Maybe not, but it isn't right."

"'Isn't right?' This man killed my husband!"

Grinch's eyes widened. He quickly collected himself, telling Pam, "I'm really sorry about that, Pam, but would Sam want you to be murderer too?"

"Only if it meant avenging his father."

"No. That's not the way you do it. Look, these kooks aren't going anywhere. Let's just call the police and turn them in."

Pam stopped for a minute to think. She'd really love nothing more than for this man to know how she felt. But Grinch was right. Sam wouldn't want his own mother to be a killer, even if she felt she had to.

She throws the pipe away. It clangs loudly upon landing.


Now, it wasn't Pam saying that her husband was killed that had awoken him. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? No, it was the fact that she stopped herself before going too far, doing something she would regret.

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