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Hello there my name is gray my a young 12 year old boy  Who lives with his mum is a nurse at a local hospital and his father Left him when i was born and didn't want to see him text messages when i was 9 year old  And I cried and sobbed  Because I was a busted son and one day me and my mum when to the hospital before I when to year 6 and the doctor told my mum I have  Servia autism I'd learn in problems as well the doctor taught my mum To tell the school to transfer me to a special school before I hit high school After the year has gone.

I went to a school called South coast special school near the coast  It was very difficult to make friends because all the students had us disability But when I 1st started I met a person called Stephen He was a little dwarf who had a learned  Difficulties and he showed me around the school but at 1st lesson I saw Stephen In the same classroom And then I started to talk to people Walk out of my chains of social interaction

I got bullied by a ¥9 student who was called Aaron But he didn't know my disability and he just kept bullying me for the rest of the year before he leaves school Add a girl called Abbey who was going out with someone in a higher year and everyone in the school called her slaggyg abby thought she was s******* all the highest student in year 11 before he leaves school and she try to hit on me and I didn't like her by  Her previous boyfriend And he told me dawn got out with Abby because she only used use to get stuff After she left in year 11.

I went up into year 8. I said to myself I will get a girlfriend in this year I saw a beautiful girls.

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