- Your Still You -

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Spencer and Quinn had been dating for almost a year now, they met at a club during one of Spencer's cases and thanks to Morgan Spencer managed to get Quinn's number, ever since then they've been inseparable. until recently. . .

- Spencers's Pov -

Things haven't been right between me and Quinn. . .recently she's been distant, she barely eats or sleeps and i've caught them crying a lot recently. . .i know something ls up i just don't know what. . .

It was a Friday afternoon and i just got home from a rough case on the other side of the country, all i wanted to do was sleep with Quinn cuddled up next to me but when i entered our shared apartment i found her passed out on the couch. . .she'd been crying. . .at that point i had enough. I needed to know what was going on! I couldn't see her like this anymore so i decided to talk to her when she got home on Sunday.

Today was Sunday and Quinn finally got home, i bought some take out and we sat down on the couch to eat and watch TV. I finally mustered up the courage to ask them what was going on.

"Hey um- love can we talk?"

- Quinns Pov -

I froze as soon as Spence finished the sentence, what did he want to talk about? He sounded upset! Is he mad? Does he know!? What felt like a million thoughts ran through my head, i couldn't speak. . .

You see a few months ago i started to feel weird, my body started to not feel like my own. . .i felt trapped. . .i felt like this before but i chopped it up to just being insecure about myself but what was stopping me from doing the same this time was what triggered it. . .me and Spence where walking down the road when he bumped into an old friend of his, they started talking but he quickly noticed me, it there was nothing weird about the experience apart from what Spencer said:

"Whos this?" The guy said giving me a smile smile

"Oh! Um this is Quinn. My girlfriend." Spence said

. . .Girlfriend

For some reason that set me of. I thought i might of just not liked the lable, he normally referred to me as his partner so maybe i was just used to the lable but the more i thought about it the more i felt of, i was never the most feminine person but i was still a woman! Sure i prefer nore masculine or gendeless compliments but that doesn't mean enything! At the time i wasn't aware of who I was, everything came crashing down in a matter of seconds because of some stupid lable! But after a week or so i finally reached out. . .thats when I realised. . .im trans. . .

It made sense but it just didn't feel right, i was still in denial! It was like my hole life ended! I was happy i finally knew what had been wrong with me for all my life but inwas terrified at the same time! What would my family say? What would Reid say? At one point all the worry and the dysphoria got to much and i just shit myself of. . .

Thats what brought us here, me and Spencer on the couch as i try not to break down. . .all because of one question. . .

"Hey um- love can we talk?" He said, looking down to his feet "i- i uh. . .i feel as if you've become distant and i want to know whats wrong. .'

"Spence. . .im fine" i didn't know what else to say, i wasn't ready to tell him!

"Your not, your clearly not!" He sighed, a mix of stress and fear in his voice.

"I- um. . .i cant. . ." I didn't know what to say i just started crying, i didn't want to but i did and i couldn't stop. My tears mixed in with the ramen that spence brought home as i cried and cried. . .i felt pathetic.

"Love. . .you can tell me enything. . .you know that" he smiled but it quickly faded away as a thought struck is mind, tears started tl weld up in his eyes as he muttered "do you want to break up?"


"You've been really distant and you don't seem happy anymore and you just never want to be around me and, and. . .and" he rambled on before i could even process what he even saying

"Spence. . !" I tried to interrupt.

"Spence!" He kept on rambling.

"SPENCER!!" i yelled, he finally stopped and stared at me, the fear in his eyes broke me "Spencer. . . I don't want to break up, i love you more than enything and nothing could change that. . .i just. . ." Is this really happening? Was i even ready to come out?

"I just. . .i need to tell you something. . .but you might hate me. . ." I sighed

"Quinn." He spoke softly as he raised his hand to cup my face, he wiped away my tears as i look at his equally tear stained face "nothing you could say would ever make me hate you" his tone became more stren as he stared into my eyes.

Im really doing this.

I took i deep breath as i tried to think of the easiest way to tell him but in the end i just blurted out;

"Im trans. . ."

Everything was silent. Spencer was frozen in shock, i couldn't move. . .

"Love. . " he finally spoke "im so happy you told me"

"You don't hate me?"

He chuckled "no!? Why would i hate you? Your still the same youbi fell inlove"

"You dont care that im a boy?"

"I dont care what gender you are, i still love you."

"But isn't it weird for a straight guy-" before i could even finish he quickly blurted out

"I was gonna tell you i think im bi"

"I- oh"

"Yeah. . ."

I wasn't sure what else to say so instead i just hugged him. I think it got the message across.

- 3rd person -

The two stayed like that for a while, wrapped in eachovers warm embrace until Reid spoke up.

"So have you thought of a name and what pronouns you would like?"

"He/they i think and as for a name. . .i dont know. . .i dont think i want it to change?"

"So you're still ok with Quinn?"

"Yeah, i think so"

"Well Quinn, im happy your my boyfriend"

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