- the shoe theory -

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Reid and the new receptionist Y/n have really hit it of and a certain tech analyst has a theory on why~

-3rd person-

Y/n started at the BAU a month ago. Since then he has become really close to Dr Spencer Reid, the incredible, young man who Y/n may or may not have feelings for. . .it all started when Reid picked up a habbit of bringing Y/n coffee in the morning and one day he happened to notice a note the Dr wrote on the coffee, it read;

"Thought we should talk outside the office, call me <3

xxxxx xxxxxx"

It was such a small simple gesture but it made y/n's heart flutter and ever since then the two have been talking non stop. And the others have started to notice, especially Penelope. She's been watching - well more stalking - the pair for a while and while talking to Morgan she noticed one small detail. . .

-Penelope's Pov-

"OH MY GOD! OMG! OH MY FLIPPING GOD!" I squealed in excitement, i could barely contain it! For weeks I've watched Y/n and Spence and for weeks I've obsessed over trying to figure out what the hell was going on between them and i finally got it!

"Calm down baby girl" Morgan said, a mix of confusion, concern and amusement playing in his voice "what's going on in that brilliant brain of your?"

"The shoe theory!!!" I squealed again

'The. . Shoe theory?"


"What's the shoe theory?" Prentis asked as she spun around in her chair

"The shoe theory is based on my two friends Nick and Charlie, Nick wears vans and Charlie wears converse, in a weird way that's what makes them a great couple!" I explained

"And why are you freaking out about that?"

"Look at boy genius and the receptionist!" I eagerly pointed as the two looked over at them, "Reid always wears converse and Y/n is wearing Van's! The shoe theory!"

"I still dont get it" Derek paused

"They're gay Derek" Emily said plainly

"Reid? Gay? No way!" He scoffed

"And you say your a profiler" Em's rolled her eyes at him, i couldn't help but chuckle "dude he literally has a pride pin on his bag"

"He's a supportive person. . ?" He said, very much aware of how dumb he sounds but still tried to mask it.

"Sure chocolate thunder, suree~" i hummed "you'll see"

-time skip-

Its been one or two weeks since i first connect the dots between Spence and his soon to be lover boy and ive been planning. . .

Me, Em's and Derek have planed the perfect set up date for the two, we haven't had a case in a while so we decided it was now or never. We told them we where meeting for drinks except we'll wait till to two arrive and all come up with an excuse as to why we cant go, instead we'll secretly be watching them. Its full proof and total like a romcom! What can go wrong?

Finally it was the night of their date and we were waiting and waiting. . .and waiting. . .aaand waaiiitttinggg

"where the fudge are they!?"

"Pump your brakes baby girl, im sure they're just late"

"By half an hour?? I doubt it" i huffed

"We should call them" Emily said as she pulled out her phone and dialing Reid

Ring, ring, ring the phone continued ring, ring, ring it was close to going to voice call ring, ring, rin- bzzt.

"Uh- mh hey?" Reids voice groaned, barely Loud enough to hear in the loud bar, even though the phone was on speaker the tree could barely hear it.

"Hey where are you?" I asked, incredibly pissed by the fact it sounded as if the boy wonder just woke up "we where getting drinks remember!"

"Oh shit- i um forgot. . ?"

"Well you better hurry your ass pretty boy" Morgan scolded

"Give me ten minutes" he groaned followed by a minute or two if silence, we looked amongst eachover we where all thinking the same thing 'did he think he hung up?' Emily was about to hang up until we heard a voice, not Spencers but another Male voice to distorted to pin point who it belonged to, the said;

"Who was that babe?"


"Oh- uh Garcia, we forgot about drinks"

"Oh shit yeah! We totally forgot!" The others voice exclaimed

"Well we did get a lil distracted" Reid sniggered

What did he mean 'distracted' ?

"Haha yeah, well we do have ten more minutes~" the voice was followed by some ramdom sounds and then Reids soft voice,

"Mmh~ love that feels good~"

I looked straight at the two infront of me, Morgan looked scared and Em's had the most mischievous smirk on their face, i had no idea how to react but i was intrigued

"Uhhhg~ babe~ mmhg~" the string of soft groans and whispers was followed by the loudest, clearest moan ive ever heard followed by the loud beep of Derek hanging up the call.

"Im going over there" i laughed as i grabbed my things

"Same" Emily joined as Morgan chased after

We reached Spencer's flat and knocked on the door, Reid quickly opened it and low and behold he was stood there covered in hickeys barely covered by his jumper and his hair messier than normal but more importantly he was wearing converse.

"Hey um we- i was just about to leave!" He sputtered

"Aw without your boyfriend?" I teased

"B-boyfriend? WHAT NO!?" his voice broke

"We heard you on the phone" Morgan laughed "you moan like a girl"

Reid stayed silent, his face redder than my lipstick.

"So can we meet him?" We all asked in unison "we where gonna try set you up with y/l/n but i guess you had other plans" i teased - slightly upset that my shoe theory may of been a bust but still happy boy genius finally pulled himself a boyfriend.

"So about that-" he tailed of "Y/N, CAN YOU COME HERE??" he yelled towards the bedroom, my smirked shot straight into a grin that hurt my face to pull. Suddenly a disheveled looking Y/n popped out the bedroom door

"Oh! Hey guys" he flusteredly hummed almost as red as Spence "what are you doing here?"

"Well since you and your boyfriend here where to busy to go out for drinks we thought we'd bring drinks to you!" I hummed looking between the two. We all at down and Derek started to pour everyones drinks, Spence and Y/n akwardly sat next to eachover as if they wanted to cuddle up next to eachover but felt to embarrassed to. We all made small talk mostly about the two boys but also about work and life stuff, as the night went on the two lovers started to get more comfortable with their surroundings and so cuddling up to eachover more. It was nice to see Reid so comfortable and it made me smile, he's all grown up i thought to myself.

Soon the night came to a close and we where about to leave when i noticed something near the door Y/n's vans.

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