The Thraber House

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Madeline "Maddie" Rinston and Dirk Owsley had taken their last breaths in that house, all because of a stupid dare. 

Maddie wasn't popular and she wasn't social, opting to keep to herself and her books. The teachers never called on her and most kids assumed it was because they already knew she had the right answers. Even her own parents preferred the company of other people. 

All of this suited her just fine. 

On her way up the long, slight incline that would lead her to her front door, Maddie hugged her arms around her middle, a habit she'd started in elementary school.

Lost in her own thoughts, Maddie didn't hear the snickers of four classmates or the glances they shot toward her from the house next to hers.

"I dare you to talk to her." Lona jerked her head in Maddie's direction. 

"Really? That's all you got?" Dirk smirked and tossed a careless glance at their target. "That's not a challenge. Give me something more."

"The challenge is getting her to talk to you." Kloe stood up and sauntered over to Lona and propped an elbow on her sister's shoulder.

"Ooh. Good luck, man." Braxton cringed.

"Why do you say that?" Dirk frowned, sure he could complete the challenge with no trouble. Girls always talked to him, even when he didn't want them to.

"When have you ever seen her socialize with anyone? Even the teachers?" Braxton kept his eyes on the girl. A shudder made him jerk his shoulders up.

"When have you ever seen me not get what I want?" The response dripped with smugness to match his expression.

The two girls rolled their eyes and gave each other a knowing look.

Braxton shrugged and then pointed. "Well, you better hurry before she makes it to the safety of her home."

Dirk whipped around to see her already halfway up her front yard. He took a leap over the porch rail and trotted up to his neighbor's walkway, blocking Maddie's way.

She lifted her eyes to his, sure he was drunk or high. No one ever attempted to converse with her.

"Hey Maddie." The silence was deafening and he knew his friends were waiting to laugh at him for failing. A small frown crossed his face before he cleared his throat and tried again. "I know we haven't talked much. Ever. But I was thinking you might want to go with us to the Thraber House?" 

Something sparked in Maddie's eyes at the mention of the only landmark in their small town, the rumors that it was haunted, making the place so special. Otherwise, it looked like any other old run down two-story house.

Dirk swallowed hard, expecting some sort of response other than the staring he was receiving. "So, uh, what do you say? You could be our guide. I mean, I've seen you reading books about the place. You probably know all about it."

"There really isn't much to it." 

Her soft voice sent a shock through his body before being replaced by glee. I win!

"I mean, it's a house where a family was brutally murdered." Her tone was a bit odd, as if she held some kind of pride in her information.

Dirk shuddered but pushed on. "So, you don't think it's haunted?" 

"Dunno. I don't believe in ghosts." Maddie lifted one shoulder and tilted her head toward it in a half shrug. Her demeanor screamed of boredom by the conversation but her eyes sparkled.

"Well, whatdya say you join us and we can find out if ghosts are real?" 

"Sure. Why not?" A Cheshire grin spread across her face as her eyes darkened. "When?"

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