7 - Bittersweet Memory

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Tw: Torture (I will mark when it starts and finishes.)

You woke to the sound of a low buzzing. Opening your eyes, you were in a cell, one with mirrors for the walls, floor, and ceiling. It was designed to drive people crazy and helpless. 

A voice, almost too quiet to hear, told others to prepare for injection number four. You were injected with a black liquid, then a bright red one. This repeated for twelve more days. Before you knew it, it was the day of the final injection. As you could see in your mirrored cell, you were unrecognisable. Your h/l h/c hair had begun to fall out in some places, and your eyes had changed from their natural e/c to a bright, ominous, fresh-blood red.

You had been informed today was a special day, which could mean no good. You were dragged into an unfamiliar room, simple steel with an electronic projector.

The projector went on, and you saw words that on the screen, telling you a call was loading. The video clicked on, and it was your family. You could tell there was a huge loss of sleep in the majority of them. Your dad looked like he hadn't been eating.

Tw start

They disappeared, with only the sound, and another video clicked on. It was a video collection of everything and everyone from your past that triggered you. You slipped into a panicky breakdown. Your family could see all of this. Then Hydra began with the physical torture. Slicing off skin, and cutting wounds into you that would certainly scar, as your family watched in horror.

Then, they said those fateful words.

Tw end

"Электрический. Яд. Кровь. Вагон. Камень. Солдат. Убийство."


"К вашим услугам." You replied

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