Chapter 3: "Friends?(2)"

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After Mi-Noo helped Sae-Hyun Get home, Mi-Noo also went back but before that, he got a message from Sae-Hyun Thanking him for everything, Mi-Noo went to his bed and slept for tomorrow.

Mi-Noo woke before his alarm this time so he took that time to meditate first and then went back to his morning routine, after that he took a shower and ate breakfast before going to school.

He saw Sae-Hyun there again Waiting for him, Sae-Hyun was watching something on her phone and Mi-Noo was pretty sure she was watching One Piece he heard white beard's voice, Sae-Hyun then noticed Mi-Noo's presence so she stopped watching and put her phone on her pocket and looked Mi-Noo with a smile and waved at him Happily

"Good Morning!" She Happily greeted

"Morning to you too" He greeted back, Sae-Hyun smiled at Mi-Noo and was in a singsong vibe

"You're In a good mood?" He tilted his head while looking at her

"Hmm?" she looked at him with a smile

"Nothing, You have the presentation right?" He asked her

"Oh yes" She opened up her laptop and showed him their group project

"Ok good, Now C'mon we're the first pair whose going to do the presentation," He told her while walking inside of class

"H-hey wait for me" She closed her laptop and Immediately followed Mi-Noo Inside, they were the first in class and Ms. Yun Su-Ho was waiting at her desk she looked at both of them with a smile

"Oh good morning you two" She Greeted both of them, Mi-Noo waved at her and went to his seat and Sae-Hyun Followed and sat beside him

"I see early as usual Mi-Noo," She said to him while he sat on his chair and she looked at Sae-Hyun with a smile

"Hmm has Mi-Noo been taking care of you Ms. Sae-Hyun?" She asked her, Sae-Hyun looked at Mi-Noo who was looking at her with a raised brow

"U-umm yes he has been t-taking care of me" she blushed and shyly fidgetted her finger, Ms. Yun Su-Ho quietly chuckled and looked at the blushing mess 

"Well you two better prepare your presentation because you two are the first ones," She said to them, Mi-Noo looked at Sae-Hyun to which she got what he signaled and opened up her laptop, and readied the presentation, Mi-Noo looked at her with a kind smile to which she also smiled Then both of them heard footsteps and groaning and saw a bunch of their classmates looking dead and some are tired, Sae-Hyun and Mi-Noo looked at each other then looked back at their classmates

'Looks like they did the project yesterday that's why the Library was so full' they both thought

"Good Morning everyone!" Ms. Yun Su-Ho Greeted everyone

"Morning" everyone groaned 

"Well everyone, take your seats please" She instructed them, Everyone took their seats while some were yawning, rubbing their eyes, or just straight up asleep.

"Will the first pair present their project," She asked Mi-Noo And Sae-Hyu, Both of them looked at each other and nodded, they both went in front of the class and Sae-Hyun prepared the presentation, and Mi-Noo was setting up the Projector, it took a couple of seconds to connect Sae-Hyun's Laptop to the Projector, Their project got projected and Sae-Hyun smiled 

'Phew everything went well' She thought and looked at Mi-Noo and gave him a thumbs up signaling everything was already, He nodded in response

"Good Morning Everyone Today we'll be showing you our project So please sit back and pay attention," He said to everyone, They all  sat straight and looked at the presentation, Mi-Noo started to explain his part of the Study and asked everyone if there are any questions, some people raised their hands and asked questions and Mi-Noo answered every last one of them one by one, after that, it was Sae-Hyun's time to explain her work and they put it on the next slide and Sae-Hyun showed her work and nervously explained her part of the study and luckily for her no one asked her any questions

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