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Life's tragic really. No honestly. Can you bring up a memory in your mind where not even the most tiniest tragic thing occurred? Exactly... at-least one mistake , accident, bad luck, karma, negative thing has happened at every point of the day.
Me myself, I find that quite frankly frustrating, unfair dare I say.

But who in the world gives a shit?

I start my day with modesty and honesty, words of gratitude are nonsense. All they do is cause a stir in your mind, and probably about a minute out of your life. A minute where you could of been solving world hunger. So great yourself every morning with a...

'I'm still alive? Your fucking shitting me.'

There is not a better way to wake up in my opinion.
But then again, I'm me.
A diagnosed sociopath.
But, don't take me for granted, I'm not like every other sociopath, I'm 'different'
I'm looked up too, people adore me for being the way I am.
List one sociopath that is adored.


I'm more famous then Kim, Maddison, Britney, and even Madonna.
And I do absolutely nothing.
And no I'm not Addison or Charlie.
I'm widely known as...


Shut the fuck up and listen.
As I continue to be one of the most problematic people, I have a 'mask'
Stop giggling.
I'm not dream who constantly has his face at an 90 degree angle.
But, I have to have a decent amount of popularity in my normal life.
If people knew what I was , and what I say.
I would have been killed a while ago.
But, as I'm writing this on my balcony in icy cold weather. I am Elijah Wane.

And this maybe one of the most important stories I have written. After I write this I will be taking off every piece of clothing I have on, and forcing myself to freeze to death. I have strangled myself slightly, slit into my legs, and I will frame my roommate as my murder. Why? Because quite frankly, I just can.

- E. W

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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