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The next day Jake had brought me breakfast in the library and even looked through books with me as we ate.

We wouldn't hear anything about the dragon witch until Heeseung returned the next evening, so the only thing we could do was read and read.

A few hours later and Jake heads out complaining about his eyes and craving something sweet. A minutes after he left I decide I would go and grab some water and let my eyes rest as well.

I offer the maids a smile as they insisted on taking our dishes away from me half way to the kitchen.

One returned quickly with me a cup of water and a piece of bread, I didn't ask for the latter, but I took it with gratitude.

Instead of going to the library I head to see Max, feeling bad about staying coped up and not seeing him as much since we returned.

"I have to say, the dress looks pretty good on you."

I almost drop my cup as I hear a voice I never wanted to hear again. Instead of showing him how shocked I was that he was here, I drop my cup and pull a knife before I turn and march over to him.

"Don't." Jay said as he pulled me away from the disgusting man. "If you do anything stupid it could start a war between the kingdoms."

I snatch away and say nothing as I glare Gyu down, he was lucky I didn't want to risk starting a war.

Not wanting to look at him a moment longer I turn and head straight back into the castle. I head to my room as quickly as I could without flat out running up the stairs and down the hall. Once in I lean on the closed door and take a few deep breaths, I felt sick.

What was he doing here? What if they knew what the stones were?

I rush to my bed and pull them out from under the mattress, once I had the small bag I head to the fire place and pull a brick out that I had found loess the first time I was here. I had chipped away at the stone behind it so I would have a pocket where I could hide things if needed, it was always good to be one step ahead of everyone.

When I replaced the stone I take a seat on my bed and wait, I would not leave my room until I knew they were gone. But, the world had other plans.


My eyes widen as I hear Jake yelling.

This made me rush out my room and over to the stairs to see what was going on.

"By Kiji law, she belongs to me." Gyu said with a self satisfied smile.

Did he mean I belonged to him? How?

"This isn't Kiji, now I said leave." The king ground through his teeth, I don't think I had ever been able to piss him off this much, but then again Gyu was able to piss anyone off with just one look.

"I'll be back for what's mine." He said as he's eyes met mine, his smirk growing as he waved.

"Why was he here?" I ask as I make my way down the stairs after he was out the door with guards right behind him.

Jake said nothing as he walked pass me up to the second floor, my eyes following him until he was out of sight.

"Gyu was saying Kiji law was that if a man slept with a woman, she instantly becomes his... even if it was forced..."

I wanted to throw up at the thought of him owning me, it was a sick law. Made by a man no less from the way it was wrote.

"Jake would never let them take you." Sunoo must have seen how sick I felt.

I nod and head back to my room, I just wanted to be alone a moment. Seeing Gyu and hearing what he wanted made me feel uneasy, what if this started something between the kingdoms? The king of Kiji already hated Jake, what if he used this as an excuse to attack him?

Would the king still be willing to keep me around?

Did Gyu tell them more then they could guess for themselves? What did the king hear that made him so mad?

Thoughts of slipping away and killing Gyu as he headed back for Kiji crossed my mind, but I'm sure that would definitely give them a reason to attack us.

I punch the wall and instantly regret it as my hand stung, once again everything felt so unfair. Why did the world love putting me through so much shit?

I wanted to go ask Jake why he was so mad, but I felt it was best to let him calm down on his own.

Not knowing what else to do, I return to the library, though I couldn't focus enough to read so I was glad when Sunghoon showed up to let me know lunch was being served.

I go and join them in hopes of bringing my mood up by talking with them, or even just listening to them chat.

My eyes kept leaving my plate and landing on the kings empty seat, for some reason him not coming to lunch made me nervous.


Once again I couldn't sleep, so I decide to go see how many lighting bugs were out this evening.

I don't worry with a lamp, I just put on a pair of slippers with my night gown and head out my room.

My steps echoed off the castle walls, the candles that lined the walls were burning brightly in the dark hall.

Once again the night sky was filled with lightning bugs, my eyes followed them as I walked towards the pond.

I freeze as I see someone else sitting under the willow tree, it was to dark to see anything more then their outline.

"I was just leaving." It was the king.

I felt a ping of sadness as he got up and walked by, not saying anything else.

I shrug my shoulders, why was I down about him leaving? I wanted time alone anyways.

I lay down in the grass and just enjoy the refreshing feeling of the cool grass on my skin, it helped ease my hurting head as well. With all these thoughts and worries my head always seemed to have a slight ache.

Maybe me thinking I should enjoy what I was getting in the moment was a bit to much, the king has already seemed to be back to disliking me after his chat with Gyu. If he wanted to be mad at me for something I couldn't control, then that just shows me I should have never trusted him in the first place.

I decided that in the morning I would force him to tell me what was bothering him so I could figure out were we stood.

Rough ☆ JakeWhere stories live. Discover now