1: Moons, Bounds and Slow dancing.

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Star allowed Marco to come with her to the blood moon ball. She figured Tom wouldn't know if Marco was there if he stayed under the radar.

Marco just sat there. Examining everything happening at the ball. What looked like saturated beige walls complemented with a looming bright yet warm red, the crowd's white noise-esque chatter.

Star, who had previously been talking with Marco to avoid Tom despite being the one invited, did the same. Some people's attention was grabbed by none other than Tom yelling at the DJ.

Marco looked at the moon. It was bright, it almost felt like staring into the sun. Although it was much cooler to the eyes. "Cool." He whispered to Star. "Pretty." They both laughed at their dazed adjective usage session.

Tom started looking for star. Hurriedly as well, the moon was about to be set into place. Couples were crowding to dance.

Tom had gotten to a crowd where Star stood at the middle of. He'd pushed through and grabbed what he'd believe was Star's hand.

It wasn't her hand.

The moon clicked onto the right spot. Light shone into the ball. It landed on Tom, who he expected was Star, had turned around to a masked man.

Confused, he whispered, "you know what to do, correct?" Marco was informed about the blood moon, he knew the gist of it. He hesitantly nodded as he nervously looked at Star, who was just as taken aback as him.

Tom shrugged and quickly took the lead. Wrapping an arm around the masked man's back and gently guiding him through the dance. It was awkward at first.

Both boys moved as if they'd planned it. They were both quite good at it. Moving into the right movements, chuckling at quick saves they would do when one messed up, they enjoyed it.

As the moon's light faded out, the music stopped as well. "Good to know my soul bound can dance" Tom joked, before realizing.

"Ah- right- soul bounds." Marco and Tom panicked. Star quickly walked up, planning to get Marco so they can return home.

"Well that was unexpected!" She awkwardly nudged Marco, trying to figure out how to react as well.

"You know him?" Tom questioned Star, who panicked realizing she messed up. "Nnno..?" A sheepish smile plastered on her face, as Marco wanted to melt from the tension.

"The truth, butterfly." An unamused expression painted on Tom's face. "Yes..!" She grinned, signalling Marco to try and fish her out of the situation.

Marco sighed, "Star give it up, we can't fool him forever." He'd taken off the mask. The soon to be king looked at Marco. The ball's whispers were loud.

"You.. I.." he mumbled, gathering his thoughts, "You..?! I know you!" As if his anger was controlled by a switch, the joking as they danced turned into a fiery anger.

"WELL..! Nice talking with you..! Bye?!" She swiftly grabbed Marco's wrist and booked it. "We're going to have a serious talk once we're home." Star hysterically laughed as they ran to the elevator.

Completely ignoring the demon meant to operate the elevator, Star quickly pressed the button and pulled Marco in.

She panted for a bit, processing what to say as she used the wall of the elevator as support.

"I.. Also don't know what happened" Marco read the expression Star had instantly. "Whatever, there's no way the moon's ACTUALLY right, right??" She joked, almost recovered from her running.

Shuffling for her wand, the elevator doors opened. The two walked out, still doubtful that ignoring what happened would be a good solution. Star cut a portal to Marco's room.

"So.." she walked in front of Marco. She made hand gestures, seemingly asking, "you swing that way?"

Marco shrugged while dumbfounded. She sighed. "I.. hm." It was unnatural seeing Star silent. "I don't know how to feel about that honestly" I mean, the guy was her ex! And apparently some all seeing moon thinks her ex and bestfriend would be the perfect match?!

"You alright..?" Marco asked, Star was deep in thought. "Yeah- wait- I'm supposed to be asking you that!" She pouts, Marco backed up and chuckled.

"Yeah..? I guess? If it's inevitable I don't really know what events would play out if it's right?" Every word he said was full of him second guessing everything.

"Aghh.. too much thinking, I'm going to sleep. Night!!" Groaning, she was frustrated of course, but doesn't feel jealousy or resentment to Marco.

Weird, isn't it? Tom is her Ex. And Marco is her bestfriend.

Atleast, in that moment she pondered why she was irritated that Marco was soul bound with Tom. She laid down, changed into pajamas, "How.. would he even treat Marco??" She inquired herself before stopping herself and stuffing her face onto her pillow.


Tom sat at his room, petting marshmallow. What just happened? Some kid he met, that broke his wrist, is his soul bound?

The word got around the kingdom. King Dave and Queen Wrathmelior eager to meet the supposed soul bound.

A knock on the door. "Son?" A nervous chuckle from the other side of the door. "Whaaat." Yelling, yet it sounded so dull.

"When do we meet-" An instant groan. Getting up from his bed, "I just met the dude-! Give it some time dad."

"Alright then.." very audible footsteps fade away.

He collapsed back onto his bed. Thoughts became questions. "I swing that way? Maybe it's both. What if the moon was wrong??" The overthinking grew louder and louder. It was almost deafening.

Nauseous from the overlapping thoughts, Tom sighs. Even with the difficulty of trying to sleep, he sighs.

The noise was like a head ache keeping him awake. What if that? What if this? He barely even slept.

important (?) A/N:
This is just to test the waters, if I feel comfy enough and motivated I'll try and write till the end. I'm mostly just trying to see if sharing my revamped fics are worth sharing </3

Any feedback? <3

Unnecessary A/N:
I had to go back and watch clips of Tom, Marco and Star to try and mimic how they were written and the bromance was just barely about to cross romance territory when the two dorks were together

Word count: 946

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