(CM) Chapter 1: The arrival

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December 31st 1940

Scene shows Nazis shooting as a boy was hiding under a few wooden logs. The boy was joined by his mother as some nazis shot.

Mom: *german* Stay hidden, everything will be okay.

Soldier #1: *german* Keep firing!

They heard a soldier scream, as they see a body land in the ground missing his head, blood in the snowy brick floor as screams were heard as the mother covered her son's eyes, as a soldier was in the ground grunting as a foot got in his chest and stomp through it, flesh was heard and bones breaking and the foot later moved it away and kept walking. She saw a tank going towards him, the tank shot at the person but the shot didn't even faze him. The tank seconds later shot again and same results as the person punched a large hole in the tank and quickly split it in two, he lifted each part of the tank and smashed it on top of the nazis. The woman was shaking as the person growls and roars, he was later shot again and he leaped towards that direction.

Boy: *german* Mom?

The woman saw the blood as she crawled out still covering her son's eyes as she saw what happened. Many soldiers were dead, buildings were destroyed, on fire with debris stuck in it. Germany was a disaster... the woman hugged her son and looked around not knowing where to go.


South Carolina

(Starts music)

Scene shows a dance club inside as it shows many people talking and dancing. It moves through the people as there was someone drinking in the bar table... that... that was Kratus. He took another mug and puts it in the table.

Kratus: Another...

Bartender: Um, mister-

He grabbed the glass and slammed it again, cracking it.

Kratus: ANOTHER!!!

The bartender nodded and ran to serve it. He looks down, as someone sits by his side, it was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes.

 He looks down, as someone sits by his side, it was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes

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