Ch. 12

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                                             Morgan POV 

I hear the chirping of birds, my heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, everything was blurry, and something felt different, 

I blinked a few times, I notice a arm draped over me, I slowly turn my head to look behind me to see Klaus, 

No, I thought 

That wolf was Klaus! 

You see, umm when I am in Coyote form I'm not in control of anything I'm more of a observer I can watch, but I'm not in control of anything, 

I knew I was playing and giving signals to a big black wolf, but it wasn't me, it was the coyote, 

I slowly take Klaus's arm off of me, standing up tip toeing back to the cave I left my clothes in, 

I got dressed, I rubbed my neck feeling pain, my eyes widen, I quickly dig in my bag for my compact mirror, and I see where my neck meets my shoulder a bite mark, 

Then I remember, 


Me and Klaus were running in the woods after one another, nuzzling against one another, but once my Coyote kept nipping his ear and running off he kept tackling me to the ground, but the last time he tackled me he ended up bitting me hard, which caused my Coyote to yelp, but then he licked the spot, 

My coyote licked his cheek gently then took off running again, 

                                  End Flashback, 

What does this mean? I thought as I rushed home, 

I look around for Ric he wasn't at my house, I know he's not going to be at his place, I make my way to the Grill, I see him sitting at the Bar, 

I sit next to him, 

"Morgan? Where have you been it's been two days," He said 

"Not important, I need your help," I said he arched his eyebrow, 

"Does any of Isobel's research say anything about this?" I said pulling my shirt where my neck meets my shoulder, 

His eyes widen, 

"Yes, and your not going to like it," He said 

"What is it?" I asked 

"A mate mark," He said worried 

"A What?' I asked 

"A Mate mark also known as a mate bond, whoever gives you that bite, you are bound to them, they can feel what you feel, you can feel what they feel, you want to be with them always, you can also share their power vise versa, you become bound for life," He said 

"Is there anyway to get rid of it," I said starting to panic 

"Not unless you find someone more powerful than then wolf that gave you the mark," Ric said 

I cover my face with my hands, 

I see he's about to take a sip of a drink, 

"Can I," I said taking the drink from his hands, gulping it in one sip, 

"Thank you," I said 

I planted my forehead on the bar, 

"So who was it?" Ric said 

"My worst nightmare," I mumbled 

I look over at him, he arches his brow, 

"Klaus.." I said 

His eyes wide, 

"I'll look into if there is any other way to get rid of it," He said getting up, 

"Thank you," I mumbled 

I hear my phone ring, 

"Hello?" I said 

It was Stefan, he told me to meet him at Ric's place, that Damon was bitten by Tyler who is a werewolf, that Klaus would know how to help, 

I rush over there as fast as I can, I decided not to tell Stefan because he's got enough to worry about, and I don't want him worrying so I just keep this to myself for now, 

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