Moving Mountains

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"Well, I'm glad you were surprised. It kind of explains how much you actually mean to me because I'm doing things I wouldn't normally do."

"Hearing you voice was the highlight of my day the other night. Do you think I might get the pleasure of listening to it again tonight?"

"Gee babe, it's pretty hectic in here today. I have a table of eight to tend to at 2 o'clock. I'll try to call you this eve, how does that sound?"

"Perfect! Xx"

"So, he doesn't have a clue what you're doing?" Rem asks me from the front passenger seat.

"Nope, I feel like I'm ambushing him," I sigh, staring out at the endless country scenery around us. We are on the motorway, with the last half an hour to Brighton to go. I have never felt so anxious before in my whole life, what if he's not who he says he is? Then all these weeks have been a lie and I have wasted time again on a complete douchebag.

"You're not, darling. He is going to go out of his mind when you turn up in that emerald green dress," Janet chimes in, as she glances at me in the mirror.

"You guys don't think this is too much? I don't look like a dogs dinner?" I say, suddenly feeling and abundance of self-consciousness.

"Hell no!" They both shout out in unison.

"You definitely look like the London snack he was talking about the night," Janet chuckles, as she takes the first exit on towards some even more scenic country roads.

"What's that?" Rem gasps, whipping her head around to face me. Her golden brown hair is freshly permed and piled onto her head in a bun. Her and Janet are best friends and have been since they met at a daycare centre whilst looking after their grandchildren. They really took me under their wing when I arrived on my first day. In a role I had no prior experience in, they gave me the courage to be the best that I could be. There is roughly a thirty year age gap between me and them, however, they are like the two soul aunties I always hoped for. They are my voice of reasons when I feel down about myself or I need a little kick up my backside.

"Oh, nothing," I smirk nonchalantly, gently kicking Janet's seat in front.

"Have you be sexting him?" Rem gives me a knowing look as she raises her eyebrows.

"Come on, you can't ask me a question like that," I scoff, looking down at my most recent notification.

My friend Hannah, from Georgia in America, has sent me a message wishing me luck on todays impromptu meeting. Wanting an audio or a video chat tonight once everything that has happened today becomes a memory. We have an inside joke where we call James the nickname Pale, because of his job. Why is it all the best people live miles and miles away, out of my reach? Another one of my soul sisters, who I met online during the pandemic, a lady with a heart of pure gold, my life would definitely not be as rich if she didn't exist in it.

"I can and I will. Have you been sending him naked pictures of yourself?" Rem gasps, her eyes widening at her own comment.

"Don't be crazy, of course I haven't!" I look on at her in genuine horror. I made it abundantly clear to James that no nude pics would be sent to him and he was so respectful and has refrained from doing the same himself. That said, it hasn't stopped us carrying out these role-play sessions by text of where and what we want to do to each other once the first couple of dates are out of the way. He knows that he's not going to get a one night stand. I've never had one and I don't intend to either. No matter how much of a fiery connection I might feel for him, I don't want to be used and then dumped like a piece of trash.

"Good, you can never trust men these days. He could be sending it around to all of his friends," Rem replies, finally settling back into her seat.

"I know that, we both haven't shared any sorts of pics like that with each other. He comes across as a real gentleman," I say, whilst tapping out a reply to Hannah.

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