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“What do you think will be our plan working or not?”
said William smith the current ceo of heaven redex sight to his
assistant joseph hobert.
Joseph hobert said seeing up
“ofcourse we will succeed this country and its gold will be ours”
and william started to laugh seeing william joseph also started to
AT COUNTRY DISCUSION HALL : The president carham
shepherd said
“now its secret information time”
then the soldiers removed the normal peoples from hall and some
special people with black dress came and one of them said
seeing president
“My lord i have a very important message”
Carham shepherd said
“Yes tell”
He said
“My lord with the special scientist team we have found that the
volcano in the middle of country will explode anytime as it give
many signs”
All the people looked him as he told
Carham said
“it's a big issue we need to solve it as soon as possible”
The man said in a deeper tone
“the scientist are trying to find a away but the possibility to
exploud it anytime”
Jhosep was hearing all these as he was also present there so he
“Lord, I think …. Company heaven redex sight can help as its
projects are related to it also and in past it has also done many
good things to the country so i think we should ask the ceo of
heaven redex sight”
Carman said
“nice idea i will talk them”
He then wrote a letter to the ceo to to have a visit at him
WHEN CEO ARRIVED HALL : the ceo came and sat at royal
seat and said
“Yes my lord, what's the order?”
President said
“Respected ceo i want to tell you that the biggest volcano in the
world which is at our country is going to exploud”
Ceo suddenly said
“but it was a non-active volcano how is it possible”
President said
“i also don't know but can you make it cool to save the country”
Ceo smiled and said
“I really want to save the country but i have some of my intentions
like you have give me right to mine gold and all the ports to me”
Everyone present there were surprised as he spoke the president
“For saving lives u need all the country wealth”
The ceo said
“ i can't help you”
With this he started to leave
The president said
“Ok ok so don't go i am giving you all these we will sign an
agreement tomorrow at the royal hall of meetings”
Ceo said
“Ok as you wish”
And with this said he went away
All the people present there were shocked and started to shout
and sudden action of soldiers started and all the people were
moved out of the way and the president in a sad manner sat in his
royal car and went home.
to the royal hall and sat on the royal chair and thought in his mind
“If i will get this country then i will be rich again, my father i will
fulfill your wish”
Then the president came and said
“Here is the agreement you sign then i will”
Ceo said in a peaceful way
“Yes of course !!”
Then he took the agreement and read it and gave a devil smile
and signed the papers and gave it to the president. He was
looking sad but for the whole world population he needed to do it.
Suddenly azen christopher the chief general of CHW {corruption
high awards} and said in a deep voice
“President don’t sign the papers and apply criminal act 400 on
william smith of harming the security of the country”
The whole hall was silence and was thinking
“Why…what happened….”
President in a anger said
“What are you telling? We and the whole world is having problem
and you are telling to give the helper the criminal tag and years of
death are you gone insane”
He stopped a bit and said in more anger
“I won't follow you wherever you are just trying to make fool i will
apply the criminal act 450 on you orles leave the hall”
All the people were confused then azen Christopher left the hall
and went to his building and at the time the president had signed
the papers.
AT CHW ROOM : azen said in a sad tone to his assistant jennifer
“Now it's the end we can’t save the country”
And started to regret of the president then his assistant jennifer
“Don't worry azen we can still save the country as we know that
the CEO has planned everything now he only needs death”.
Azen looked jennifer and said
“Now his death is my life's aim as he will destroy the country. I
don't know why the president hasn’t looked my proofs never mind
i will now finish him”
There came his employes and said
“Sir i have a plan”
Jennifer said
“Yes tell we need all the strategy at a time to stop his attacks”
The man said
“One of us will spy him all the time and will notice all the his
activities and when the correct time will come he will kill him”
Another man said
“I will become the spy”
Azen looked them and said
“I will become the spy as its now my battle”
All of them looked azen in joy
William smith said lookin joseph
“Finally we are done now stop the timer and just we will take the
mines and ports which will make us extremely rich and for this
very good day we will celebrate”
Joseph said
“yes of course”
In party big politicians came and his spy were also enjoying in the
part azen also came as a normal man and started to act like
normal suddenly william came near him and said in drunk
“Hey can you give me a glass of wine”
Azen looked him and smiled and gave the glass then william went
away azen now looked around the room and found that there are
many soldiers deployed here so he can’t kill him now moreover he
understood that the number of his spy are also more so he can’t
when after the party was over azen went near william and said
“My lord can i get employed to your service i am very honest”
William said happily as he was drunk
“Ok join from tomorrow you will get 100k per month and your work
is to spy CHW organization”
Azen was surprised and accepted the agreement
Then everyone went their home azen went to his room which was
allotted to him and called the headquarter with his small
microphone attached to his ears
“Hello the password is chw is mad”
Then voice came
“Yes its accepted so azen what have you done its me jennifer”
Azen said quietly
“As william was drank i asked him for a job and he gave me the
job to spy you all”
Jennifer said
“Nice it's going like the plan”
Suddenly, someone entered the room of azen and saw azen
reading the book. He told
“i am john i am here to ask to you your name”
Azen said
“I am martin loise”
John said looking the book
“I guess you are experienced spy nice to meet you”
And went out of his room. Azen said
“Humm…i also guess you were not here to ask me you were here
to test me nice i like these”
John was listening this from outside the room and said to himself
“He is talented maybe he will be very helpful to william i will send
him rules so he cant be removed i liked his attitude”
And with this saying he went away
Azen in his again began to read the book of rules which he had
taken from him when he was leaving.
people of william smith gathered here including azen. Azen saw
the main people and one of them was Joseph hobert who was
keeping an eye on all the people. Wiiliam smith came and said
too all of them
“My dear spy gang, I want all of you to keep an eye on the CHW
agency. That's all i want to tell you all and any important message
you can give me or joesph hobert.”
Azen went forward and said to william smith
“I have some important message of CHW agency”
William said in surprised
“You are the one who got job yesterday…nice i think i have got a
nice spy”
He stopped and looked him and said
“Yes tell me the information”
All the spy were looking azen and he said
“Sir,actually after yesterday i got job i was going home and i heard
some people of CHW were talking about you and were telling
that they will soon blast a bomb in your house,lab,and all your
property in order to kill you”
William smith laughed and said
“The people are trying to kill me the new king they are going to
pay for now i will change my living house in order to check this
All of the spy went away and at last joseph hobert came to william
smith and said
“Sir,i think azen is a nice spy we should promote him”
William said
“I have thought of it so after some time i will promote him you
don't fear”
Then everyone went there rooms azen also went his room and
suddenly john arrived to his room and said
“Nice azen you are a good spy hope you said is correct orels you
will be assassinated”
Azen smiled and said
“Don't fear about me i will take care and here take your book of
rules i took it yesterday”
John was surprised and took the book and went outside the room
azen said to himself
“Mission fear accomplished”
Jenifer said as she was on call line
Azen said
“Yes of course”
And call cut
Azen sat in bed and said
“These won't be left by me i won't spare him”
AT PRESIDENT HALL : president said
“I think i have made a mistake by doing these..i should call CHW
azen to solve the problem”
And he called CHW azen but CHW jennifer picked the call and
“Yes sir what can i help”
President said
“I just need to talk to azen”
Jennifer said in deep tone
“Oops, he's on vacation and on leave. It's impossible for us to get
in touch with him.”
President cut the call and sat sad and said to himself
"Our country is going under dept if this situation is constant we
would become slaves again"
And his tears cane out
arrived his room and said
“Hands up it's now over”
And pointed the gun to him. William said
“Oo you are making mistake my soldiers will finish you up”
Azen said
“I think they are finished up”
William was shocked and pointed his gun to him and said
“Leave me and i will leave you”
Azen said
“Humm…a nice kid but can't be in front of him”
Just he said all the forces caught him in a circle. There azen
showed his real name i am azen christopher who has caught you
now you are finished”
William said
“How…all these happened”
Azen said smiling
“It's all mind game”
William asked
“Please tell me your whole thing i still can't believe”
Azen laughed and said
“It's 2 days before when you were coming here I just made your
joseph hobert tell the location then i just made all your soldiers
realize that someone was chasing them so around 70 percent of
the soldiers went in your protection rather than 40 percent.”
All the people were seeing him curiously he continued
“So this was the time i came here and dressed up like one soldier
came here and sprayed a poisonous gas and suddenly the alarm
system activated all the reaming 30 percent soldiers came to
check and all fainted i was also feeling dizzy still i managed to get
out and our team from CHW headquarters came and dressed like
your soldiers and i made many forces inside the room also”
Azen now said in deep tone
“and planted a live camera over up which will show all these live
all over the world”
William said
“I am guilty arrest me but dont show it to world my family will be
And there president arrived and forced him to sign papers which
gave back country its mines and ports and he was taken away
President came near azen and sai
“I am very sorry for that day”
Azen said
“It happens”
When all the people went away azen’s body started to vibrate and
he fell fainted
Jennifer saw and said
“I think the disorder has shown affect”
She said again
“We have to take him to doctor markus he will surely know how to
cure the Schizoid personality disorder ”
All the people took azen to doctor markus where he said
“The sudden surgery need to be done in brain”
And took him to the surgery room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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