Endless Space

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Endless Space

Author:Andrei C. Go
Editor/Producer: Karlo Sur

Aboard Sioux 3, a Mars ship headed to the neighboring planet:


The crew were just casually eating, doing some excersises, maintenance checks, and the like.

They glided past the only natural sattelite of earth, the moon.
Now, they patiently waitied the end of their eight month journey towards the red planet, Mars.

While they were drifting through the interplanetary coast, the crew notice something strange; a green blob the size of earth suddenly appeared in the sun.

They contacted home base back on earth.

"Houston, we saw something strange on the sun." Nicholas said on the comms. " are we loud and clear?"

"Sioux 3,this is Houston, you are loud and clear. Come in with your information."

"there appears to be a green something in the sun, we are in no position to research. Use the Hubble telescope to check it out." Nicholas' voice was getting raspy.


3 minutes later, Nicholas and Karo heard over the radio,

Radio static followed.

The crew were worried about what was happening in home base, then it hit them, literally.

A huge Shockwave was felt throught the spacecraft and their electronics and sensors began to go crazy.

Radiation levels skyrocketed.

Only then had  they found out that the greenblob was a CME ( Coronal Mass Ejection ), the biggest that ever happened.

"Hurry!" Karo was shouting,
"We need to move!" Nicholas shouted, helping everyone to get on their EVAC pads.

They immediately went to their EVAC pads but another tragedy struck them. 

They were hit by micro meteorites and the intensity of the heat melted the titanium skin of the craft, leaving gaping holes in the spacecraft.

The crew got sucked into the holes and into the merciless fist of space, and without their spacesuits, they immediately suffucated and froze to death.

But one of them survived, Karo.

Nicknamed "Endevour", was quick enough to get in the EVAC Pod.

He solemnly watched his Crewmates bodies float endlessly through outer space.

He manned his craft and headed to Mars, carrying Payload to survive.

He was desperate to survive, as well as to finish his mission.

7 months have passed since the CME incident. Our MC, Karo has arrived on Mars and is in LMO (Lower Mars Orbit).

He prepares for decent then activates the deorbit button. The reentry was hot. It was so unstable he nearly burned to pieces.

But he successfully lands on Mars.

After many years, lost lives, and homes, was this really worth it?

We wanted more than we needed, was that too greedy?

Indeed, the universe has finally taken revenge on the uncaring, greedy humans. And Karo knew it.

Knowing that he is the last man on the world, his new mission is to return to earth, and just maybe, find a survivor.

He is ready to finally to go back to earth, his birthplace and home planet.

He prepares to leave Mars and says

"Here I come Earth, you better not disappoint me!".

And he took off. ( 8 months later ) He reenters earth, seeing the cities full with grass and plants.

He lands successfully and breathes the fresh air that he wasn't able to for a long time.

Happiness strikes him.
Home, he thinks.


His breath softens, his eyes close, and he thuds to the ground with a soft thud.

"Why? Why did this happen? Life is so cruel. But life was never fair."

"Goodbye, world. Nice knowing you..."

[Human Race: Extinct]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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