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AN: Don't forget to vote & comment if you're enjoying what you're reading! - Amelia


Wren hesitated to do what Archer said, but finally took a seat on the small couch that was across from Marcus' desk.

The office was intimidating, filled with sharp lines and dark colours, so she already didn't feel comfortable.

Marcus himself was making her uneasy - but she couldn't place why. He seemed friendly enough, there was just something off about how he looked at her.

Grey hairs sprinkled through his dark brown hair suggested his age, and the fine lines around his mouth and eyes only boosted that. His was broad shouldered though, and like Kalen and Archer, he looked strong. Even under the button down dress shirt and slacks, Wren could see the strain of muscles.

He reminded her of a politician she had seen on TV once - he looked tough, and he radiated power, even though he was trying to be friendly. But there was an underlying sense that he couldn't be trusted.

It wasn't helping her unease.

The only reason she hadn't backed out of here already was the presence of Kalen and Archer. They seemed perfectly fine with him, so she would trust their judgement.

Archer sat next to her, and to her left, Kalen perched on the arm rest with a low grunt. She could almost feel the protectiveness radiating off of them, and an underlying worry she didn't understand.

Archers hand found her knee, "This..." he sighed, "You've already had a rough couple of days, so this might be overwhelming."

"But you need to know sooner than later," Kalen rumbled beside her, his hand finding her shoulder and squeezing gently.

Marcus leaned back against the desk, crossing his arms across his chest, while Maria found a seat on the other side of the room.

The same soft voice she had heard in her mind almost made her jump when it quietly said, "Trust mates."

Mates? Who...

"Kalen and Archer," the voice said, still quiet and calm.

Her eyes snapped to Archer, who was smiling softly at her. He obviously hadn't heard it, so it was only in her head.

It definitely wasn't her own thoughts. She was pretty sure that even if she had lost her mind, she wouldn't start talking about relative strangers as 'mates' at least.

"You've heard of werewolves?" He asked.

She nodded slowly, "Sure. We watch Ginger Snaps every Halloween," she said with a shrug.

Kalen chuckled, "Real werewolves aren't like the movies, little bird."

"And we're real werewolves," Marcus said finally.

Wren settled a disbelieving look on the older man, but he seemed perfectly serious.

Maybe these people were the ones who'd lost their minds - they were pretty isolated up here, after all...

"And so are you," Archer finished.

Wren blinked.

And then burst into laughter, "What? Oh, that's good," she continued to giggle, this had to be a joke right?

"That's a good distraction - thanks!"

Her laughter faded out as she took in the serious expressions around the room.

"You're... serious?"

Yup, not a single sane person in this room, she decided. And that probably included herself.

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