Act I: Prologue

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'It should've been simple. Or relatively so, The only true challenge we could've faced would be Salem and her cohorts, them and Salem's Hound.  While Atlesian forces would distract the Grimm from the outside, that should've been the plan.'

Those were the bleary thoughts of Jaune Arc, as he laid face down in the ground with a small pool of his own blood underneath. 'So how?, how did this happen?"

"Fools the lot of you thinking that you can win against me. Let alone stand a chance, but I must admit. The struggle you all put up so far is all but amusing, inspiring even." The voice is Salem echoed throughout her chambers, sitting on her throne crosslegged. her condescending tone thick and ripe as the wounds that they are both now sustaining. "But in spite of those words I applaud you. Both of you who have reached this far, survived this far. This long, that much I owe you." Salem added as she stood up and walked towards her.

Crouching down Salem grabbed the girl by the face, forcing her lilac eyes to meet her crimson red ones. "Shame really, you look how I pictured my daughter's would look like when they grow up. Yang Xiao-Long was it?, if I had found you sooner I could've been the mother you never had twice." Salem noted, before in a spark of anger Yang spat on Salem's face. "G-go fuck y-yourself b-bitch!." Yang growled.

Taking a deep breath, Salem looked to the side wiping the saliva on her face before looking the girl back in her eyes. "Foolishly brave until the end, I suppose I can respect that." The Grimm Lady said, as she flung the blonde brawler across the room. Then turned her gaze towards the blonde in the room, drenched in his own blood. Walking towards him slowly she gazed down on him with apathy.

"Why it always the heroic one's that seem to be the most stubborn, I'm surprised that you are breathing still with that amount of holes in your chest. A testament to your endurance, an ability that is wasted on you." the queen said as she looked down at the heavily breathing blonde. hearing those words Jaune smiled, an act that caused Salem to raise a brow. "It seems that in your despair you've fallen to madness. No matter, it will be all over soon. First it was Vale, and now Atlas and Mantle. Soon all of Remnant will follow." said Salem raising her hands to her sides and her head high.

As if signifying her plan to destroy the world was grand, majestic, euphoric even. But Jaune knows he couldn't let that happen. Before looking back down at him, her crimson eyes glowed with manic glee. "And it almost saddens me that you, and your little band of heroes will not be here to witness it."  Salem glowered at him, her tone laced with sadism. as she raised her food showing the sharp and pointy heel of her boots. And jabbed it straight at Jaune's chest.

Jaune gasped, the last vestiges of air leaving his body. But before everything turned to black for him he heard a loud guttural shout from Yang calling out his name, and the sounds of the brawlers ember celica being shot, and the squelching sounds of flesh being torn and bone being snapped echoed through Jaune's dying ears. Before he could fully black out, he felt something heavy being thrown at him.

Looking he saw a pair bright red eyes slowly turning into dull shades of lilac, and he'd realized that she's dead. Yang Xiao-Long is dead, the girl who he promised that he'd take out to see a movie after all of this now lie dead on top of him. "Foolish to the end, truly." Jaune heard Salem's voice, as she cast a spell that set Jaune and Yang on fire. As they both lay on the ground slowly being incinerated to ash and dust.

"This is it, I never thought that I'd die like this. Yang, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bought you here. I wish that we could've led different lives, all of us. One that isn't built on millennia's of suffering and torment brought to us by gods."  Those were the final thoughts Jaune had in his mind. As flames and darkness flooded his vision, and the painful sensation of flames searing and melting his flesh invaded his senses. And soon he felt no joy, no pain, no sadness, not even hatred nor anger. As Jaune Arc has passed on from this world.

To Be Continued.


And that's it for the prologue chapter of THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, a soft reboot of one of my Fics, TIMELINE ALTERNATIVE. This chapter is a tad short, but make no assumptions and I will make no promises, but I intend for future chapter installations to have at least have a 3-4k word count or 2k minimum chapters.

And that is all for today, and rest assured the next chapter is on the works. And should be posted anytime soon, the reason why this took so long is because of collage.

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