Chapter 26

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Haibo guys!! Don't let people fool you hey. Being in a relationship is amazing, I am not lying. Yes, there are time's when you just want to kill your partner and strangle them to death. But then, there are time's where all you feel is the love and passion for you.

It's been a week since Nkanyezi and I spoke, and I must say that all the love he's been showing me lately is sometimes overwhelming. He's been more affectionate since I told him that I'm pregnant and he also wants me to meet his parents. I am nervous about that and I just haven't even given myself the chance to think about it.

"Morning baby, I'm on my way...hope you're ready." A text from my one and only baby daddy pops up on my phone screen. Sigh. Did I mention that he now takes me to and from work everyday. I mean I do like being pampered like that but sometimes it just gets too much.

"Hii sweety...yep. Almost done." I fire a text back.

He also drops Thandi and Mtho before we head on to my workplace. Although, Mtho  prefers using taxi's most of the time. What I really love about Nkanyezi is that he makes a lot effort to be in my siblings' lives. He gets them whatever they want that I sometimes have to step in and tell him that it's enough. Honestly, my relationship with him wouldn't have even gotten this far if my siblings didn't approve of him. He has become some sort of father figure to them and that makes me happy.

I quickly zone out of my thoughts as I head to the living to make sure that the little minx has had her breakfast. I like the fact that I don't have to force or rush her to eat, she does that all on her own. I reach the living room and she's watching 'Teen Titans' on Cartoon Network and, like I had predicted, she's finished her bowl of cereal.

"Hey baby, come on and go get your school bag from the room. Uncle Nkanyezi is nearly here and we don't want to be late right." I can see that she's not happy about this piece of information but keh, she has no choice but to do as I say.

She reluctantly drags her feet to her room and returns with the bag in hand a minute  later. We check if she didn't leave anything behind and once that is clear, I take her lunchbox and some juice, and shove it inside. I hear a car pull up outside and I know for sure that it's Nkanyezi.

"Mthoko!! Buya phela sambe, sekafikile uNkanyezi. (Come let's go, Nkanyezi is here.) I yell out loud enough for him to hear me.

"Ngiyeza sisi! (I'm coming sis!) He yells back. And before I can do anything else, there's  knock on the door.

I open the door and there stands my handsome lover boy...well he is no boy but...ugh you get me! I step out of the door and close it so I can get a kiss before we leave.

"Hi my love." He says when I reach out to him for a hug.

"Hi boo." I pull out of the hug so to give him a quick kiss on his lips. He groans as he tries to deepen the kiss by running his tongue on my upper lip. The kiss is great but I have to pull off before these kids find us in such a position. I bite his lower lip, indicating that the kiss has come to an end.

"I missed you muntu wami" I chuckle because he says this all the time. I hope his family doesn't think I put some kind of love spell on him, that would be a drama on it's own.

I entertain his clinginess by simply saying, " I missed you too baby. Let me get the kids so we can leave or else we'll be late." Hen nods and heads back to the car as I fetch the two rascals. Once I've locked the house and the kids are already settled in the car, we drop off Thandi first then Mtho at his school. He has a morning class he has to attend and he can't afford to be a minute late.

This controlling man next to me thought it's best I get something to eat first before he drops me off at work. I think this is an excuse though...there's something he wants to say and he doesn't know how to say it. I'm pretty sure I won't like this one bit.

"Baby..." Oh oh...I knew it.

"Yes my love?" I reply to him.

"I think it would be best if we could...maybe...move in together?" My eyebrow raises in question. I mean I don't get this. When did he even think of this!?

"Oh!" Is all I can say to him.
"Yeah baby look...We can buy a bigger house so we can all move in together. You, Me, Mtho and Thandi. As well as our little ray of sunshine growing in your womb." Eh this guy is taking this very serious.

"Yeah I hear you. I'm not sure how the kids will take it so I have to hear what their thoughts are. I like the idea and I'm not saying no as yet...let me just hear if they'll be okay with it." I offer him a gentle smile.

He looks into my eyes and sends me a heart-warming smile. I swear every time he smiles, I get butterflies in my tummy. I plant a deep yet sensual kiss...just so he can feel that I love him and appreciate all his efforts. He pays for some muffins and off we go to work.


Nkanyezi just left and he promised to fetch me later, after work. As if he'd let that opportunity slip. I've tried telling him that it's not necessary for him to fetch me everyday but he says he wants to be a part of his child's life...every part of it. Dramatic if you ask me.

So about work... Sigh.
Things aren't that great because well Ziyanda and I aren't in a great space. Well let me say she's not in a great space. Sinc she broke up with Mnotho, she's been really distant. The second day after their break up she called and told me what went down.

Since she had taken a day-off for that Monday, I went to her place and the state I  found her in was not great at all. She had red puffy eyes and her hair was a mess. I had never seen her be so vulnerable to  anyone, I felt my heart tear apart as she weeped and told me of the events that led to their break up.

After that day, she barely showed any emotion but I could tell she wasn't okay. It's been a week and still nothing. Things have gotten bad to the point where she prefers working during lunch time. I am not going to stop trying to get through to her- she's my friend and she's seen me at my lowest. She's always there when I  need her and it's time I showed her I feel the same way for her too.

Since lunch is now off the table for us, I leave something to eat for her on her desk.  She always carries lunch but I do this so she can see that I still care for her and that I'm here if she wants to open up and let me. I always leave some snacks and today is no exception as I leave two muffins on her desk. And don't worry, they are covered.

So now back to the reception area to start off on my day. I see her walk into the building 30 minutes later and she still looks the same- emotionally drained, but beautiful nonetheless. I wave at her as she passes by to the elevator. She waves back and offers me a smile. I'm just glad I still get a greeting from her.

If she doesn't get better a few days from now, I'll be forced to go to her place and knock some sense into. I still love her and I think it's time for some tough love. I need to be pushy.

"Hi sir. How may I help you?" I ask a gentleman that just entered the building.

I'll get back to these thoughts after work...for now I shall do what I get paid to do.

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