Chapter 2

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A/N B4 I start I'd jst like to say I'm SO SORRY for not updating if im being completely honest I forgot ab this book so I'll try finish it ALSO ik Robin and Steve aren't in school anymore in this but let's jst pretend😭👍

I ran into the bathroom calling out for robins name when she finally came out of the last stall.

"Finally. Jeez what took you so long?" I asked

"Shut up I was gone for literally 2 minutes" she replied while washing her hands

"You probably had a shit" I said jokingly

"You're so immature" she replied jokingly while laughing as we both walked out the bathroom.

On the way out we saw max and Lucas walking down the corridor and they looked like they were fighting?

"What is this?" Max asked

"A ticket to the game, I know you never want to go to my games but this one is kind of a big deal"

"A big deal? Lucas, you really care about this?" Max asked

"Hey max,everything okay?" I asked on the way past

"Hi y/n yeah everything's just great" she said in a sarcastic tone, as me and Robin continued to walk down the corridor. I knew she was only joking though. The poor girls been through hell and back I was there I watched the whole thing, billy was an asshole yeah,but he didn't mean anything to me. He meant something to max and I feel so bad for her.

"Maybe you should find something you care about to!" We heard Lucas say and max stopped in her tracks. Ouch that must've hurt.

"There you are finally cmon we've got to get to class! We've got mrs clicks class now" Steve said as me and Robin groaned.

~time skip to lunch~

The bell rung. Finally. We were in third period by now I didn't mind it because it was Mr Houser and I liked him, he was a good teacher and he always somehow knew what to say to make people happy.

Me,Robin and Steve were sat at a small lunch table at the back of the canteen when suddenly I heard commotion going on, I spun my head around so fast I almost broke my neck. It was Eddie Munson. I'd seen him around school a couple times he seemed sweet but I'd never actually had a conversation with him.

"And as long as you're into bands, or science or pArtIess" he started as he was walking across the lunch table.

"Or Games where you throw Balls into laundry baskets!" He said. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh,I did get second hand embarrassment from it but it was still amusing. And then Jason stood up, this can't be good.

"You want something freak?" Jason said looking up at eddie who was still stood on the table and Eddie stuck his hands either side of his head and stuck out his tongue.

"What a freak! that was so embarrassing for him" Steve said as I whacked his arm jokingly.

"Don't be so tight u don't even know him" I said with a smile still on my face.

~time skip~

"I've got free periods now you guys wanna go out for coffee before work?" I asked.

"Sure" Robin and Steve said in unison.
As we were just about leaving the building my brother and Mike called our names while running towards us.

"HEY GUYS! WAIT- WAIT UP!" He shouted, clearly out of breath as they ran towards us.

"We've been looking for you everywhere" Mike said continuing the conversation.

"What's up?" I asked genuinely confused.

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