Want to do something crazy?

46 3 9

Kabuto started to sleep over much. My bed is always warm when he shares it with me. My snake which Kabuto named aki sleep with us too. Ever since i signed that contract i've been feeling the chakra flowing through my body. A few days after i signed the contract Kabuto signed one too. For medical ninjutsu. My snakes found it for me. He's been practicing is medical ninjutsu on wounds i've made on myself and he's learning fast. As well as for me too. It's been 2 weeks since my birthday and i have a crazy idea for a revenge towards those two.

"Hey.. Kabuto are you awake?" I whispered, knowing i wouldn't get a response because he fell asleep safe and soundly at 9.

"Mhh..." He groaned.

I had to wait until the next day to tell him my plan..


I woke up to a nice smell of bacon and eggs sizzling in the kitchen. Kabuto took his freedom to make breakfast yet again. I stood up and yawned, dressed myself and shortly after went out in the kitchen.

"You know you don't have to make breakfast. I can make it for you." I said, placing myself behind him.

"I don't mind it. Cooking's fun." He said and i felt him ease up.

"Alright whatever you desire." I said and sat down at the table, feeling a snake crawling up my leg.

Kabuto continued with breakfast and i entertained myself with my snakes, they'd become a oart of my house now. I've seen a few roaming around and it's kinda nice not being alone anymore. I felt about three or four slithering around parts of my body. I couldn't tell but it feels so nice just knowing that they feel safe with me.

"Hey what are you thinking about? you've been zoning out for over 2 minutes now." Kabuto went forward and placed breakfast on the table.

"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking about a plan i have." I smirked.

"A plan?" He sat down.

"Yeah i have a plan to get revenge on Jiraiya and Tsunade."

"Oh! Tell me." He smirked too.

"You know you can use transformation jutsu. And Tsunade threatened me that if i come close to her she'll kill me. So what if you transformed into Tsunade and pushed me down the stairs, enough to break a leg or two?" I said with a straight face.

Kabuto sat silent. His face went from shocked to a big smirk and then his eyes darkened.

"I'm in." He said.

"Good. I'll get her expelled!"

We talked about our plan while eating the delicious meal kabuto prepared once again. Then i got ready and packed my bag.

"Kabuto are you ready to go?" I said while patting aki.

"Yes. Let's go!"

We left for school and aki slithered beside me. He didn't want to leave my side no matter what and i was fine with that.
I saw Tsunade enter the school building and told Kabuto thay we needed to capture her for our plan to work. We followed her and then dragged her into the janitor's room and taped her to the wall, we also taped her mouth shut so she couldn't scream.

"This is what you get for ignoring me." I said, smirking at her.

"Transformation Jutsu!" Kabuto said and a replica of Tsunade was standing infront of us.

"We're gonna get you expelled now." We both said, smirking.

Tsunade tried to fight the tape but didn't manage. Me and Kabuto left the janitor's room and started out plan.

I started walking up the stairs knowing what was about to happen but i acted clueless to what was to come.

"Orochimaru!!" Kabuto screamt, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Tsunade?" I said, backing up a bit.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" He screamt and pushed me down the stairs.

Gasps filled the scene as i fell down the stairs breaking my hand and my foot. I think i passed out because i didn't remember anything after my fall.

I woke up in the nurse's office that same afternoon. Kabuto was sitting beside my bed, holding my hand.

"You're here.. what happened after that?"

"I set Tsunade free and now she's in the principals office. We did great! Except your injuries." He said, stroking my hand.

"Well deserved." I smirked. "I knew i could count on you Kabuto."

Kabuto smiled.

"I'll go talk to the nurse since you probably won't be walking anytime soon, you need a wheelchair." He said and stood up.

"Yeah. I'll wait here." I said and spotted aki in the corner.

"I'll be back."

He left the room and i fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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