Chap 2. I must protect him!

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No one pov

The scene shows Uzi pull her hand out of N mouth.

N:" Sweet! Uh, I'm open to new things, I guess." He said a little awkwardly.

Uzi:" We are never talking about this." She said looking at her hand wondering how it's even possible.

N:" Talking about what? Consider it, uh... Repressed!" He said while doing a weird movements with his arms.

Y/n:"Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad?"

Uzi:" Are they coming back soon?"

N:" Oh, yeah. Two others. They're out hunting for a bit but you'll love them. First there's V."

Time skips

N:" Oh my you sure are rebellious, it's actually kind of exacting- but not as fun as following the rules!" N said looking at Uzi. Y/n was just sitting beside Uzi while he was asking himself why he was still here. Suddenly noises were heard outside.

Uzi immediately understood immediately what it was... J and V that N was talking about. She grabbed Y/n by the arm, the contact made him jump a little until he noticed it was Uzi. She was running dragging him with her.

Y/n:" Why are we running?" He asks, definitely not knowing the situation.

Uzi:" I will not let you die! Just run!" She yells still dragging him.

Y/n:" Huh why?" He asks again, still confused why are they running.

Uzi:" Did you not listen to the whole conversation?!"

Y/n:" Uhhhhhh no ?" He said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Uzi:" Ughhh seriously?! The other mur- you know what ? I don't have the time, JUST RUN!"

They were a few feet away from the door and didn't notice the disassembly drone crashing on the floor. They finally reach the door and Uzi opened it, they quickly walked in. All the other worker drones were annoyed by the wind ruined their game, they were about to complain but they immediately stopped when they sees Y/n.


WD2:  Why is there a human here ?!"

Uzi:" shut it! Close it! Close it!" She scans the keycard on the scanner, the door was about to close but then two hands with metal claws stopped them. It slowly opens them and it revealed N behind the door.

N:" Hey fellas! Ohh fill me in, I love Rummy! Wait no I'm going to murder everyone... brain check!" He said before his acid tail stabbed the key and scanner making all the doors opened.

Everyone started to panic and run away, except for one drone, bt his head gets ripped out. N starts to murder everyone while the few drones left were running for their lives. Uzi and Y/n were running as well.

Uzi:" I can't let him die! If he dies I will brutally murder the person who did it!" She whispered yell to herself. Y/n how heard her talk just turns around to look at her.

Y/n:" SHUT UP AND RUN!!" He yells having nothing to defend himself.

Finally Uzis gun was charged and ready to blast his head again. She did a cool anime move ready to shoot but N disappeared in the vent. She turns back to see if her crush was okay but suddenly the door opened to reveal her dad.

Khan:" Pretty nice hydraulics huh ?" He said looking up to see all his co worker dead on the floor, he sees you after that but didn't want to ask too shocked at the dead body on the floor. He looked at Uzi again.

Khan:" What have you done ?!"

Uzi or Y/n didn't have time to answer because N crashed and break the floor, causing Uzi, Khan and Y/n to lose their balance. Uzi regains her balance and ready to shoot N.

Uzi:" I won't let you kill my future husba- I mean Y/n..."

N grabs Y/n and throw him to the ground harshly that caused him to hit his head and fell into unconsciousness. Uzi was not happy at all to see that... she was about to shoot N but gets stopped when he stabed in her shoulder and pins her to the wall with his wing.

Time skips after Uzi dad betrayal and N betraying the company

Y/n was starting to wake up. He sits up and looked around. He noticed 2 drones talking in front of him, he recognized the 2 drones, one being Uzi and the other N. Uzi looked down to see him awake, she kneeled down and checked if he was injured, when she saw a small cut on his cheek she starts to get mad.

Uzi:" Oh, those mf I will kill them." She muttered under her breath.

And before Y/n knew it they were in front of the other murder drones.

Uzi:" HEY! Put that male down!" She said as V puts Thad down, N was next to me waving at them. I nudge N for him to continue. And Y/n being here not very comfortable with the situation.

N:" Oh uh... J you're sometimes kinda mean to me and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism."

Uzi:" Nice" She said and then fistbump him. J groaned in annoyance.

J:" Noted traitor, we'll circle back after I right-size your existence." She said still annoyed.

Uzi turned to N and whispered.

-" Okay which one do you want?"

N:" J please." He responded

-" Too bad, good luck." She said before throwing a pen at J. It stabed her.

She looked at Y/n and said

"You just stay there and don't even think of getting injured or I'll make your life a nightmare" She glares at him before attacking J again.

Time skips

Thad:" Holy hell Uzi that was insane! And you too uh..."

Y/n:" I'm Y/n."

N:" Huh oh, N I'm an angsty rebellious Disassembly drone now." He said with his screen turn into sunglasses.

Someone, then clears its throat. All the attention was turned to Khan. Uzi throws her wrench at her dad.

Uzi:" I brought the Murder Drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just freaking believing in me, that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" She said frustrated, she then slap her to stops her from crying. Meanwhile Y/n was not happy to know how her father betrayed her.

Uzi:" Let's go guys. Everyone here can bite me." She said, Y/n turns around to leave while N drags V with him.

N:" Nice to meet you Mr.Uzi" he said, Uzi slap him to shut him up.

(Thanks for reading the chap 2, sorry if there are any mistakes and see you in chap 3, bye)

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