SCENE 6: Taking things slow

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Emily and Julian are sitting in class together.

►Emily: I had a really great time on our date, Julian. 

►Julian: Uh.. me too. I blush. 

►Emily: I'm glad you feel that way. I was worried that maybe you didn't have a good time.

►Julian: Emily... uh... I have a question. 

►Emily: Yes?

►Julian: What are we? 

►Emily: What do you mean? 

►Julian: Nothing. I mean, are we a thing? 

►Emily: I don't know. What do you want us to be? 

►Julian: I don't know either.

►Emily: Well, let's just take things slow and see where they lead us, okay? 

►Julian: Yeah.

►Emily: I really like you, Julian. 

►Julian: I am completely crushing on you. I think about you all day and even when I sleep... 

►Emily: Wow, I had no idea you felt that way. 

►Julian: Sorry, do I seem obsessive? 

►Emily: No, it's actually really sweet. I'm glad you feel that way about me.

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