chapter one

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Hollow had always lived in the nether with his mother and two siblings. It had always  been quite peaceful there, but one day there was a terrible accident involving a ghast. Someone had tried to attack  the ghast but had failed in doing so because they fell into the lava lake below. The ghast was scared and hurt, and hollows mother and siblings had gone out to try and help it. They had told him to stay home incase anyone else tried to go after the ghast again, but they never came home. The ghast had ended up attacking them and killing them and then shortly passing away itself from the injury it had. Hollow had  cried for days after the accident, they hadn't been ready for anything like this happening. It had taken hollow a while to adjust, but eventually  he did even though he still misses his family every day. It took many years for him to feel better but eventually he did. It had been about 10 years after the accident !and  not long after their birthday when they saw a strange person traveling through the nether gathering glow stone and nether quartz. Hollow didn't really understand  why they were doing  this, but they kept an eye on them from a distance. They left the other creatures of the nether alone and finished gathering the materials. When they were done hollow watched as they walked through a strange black and purple portal and disappeared. Hollow made his way to the portal and looked at it not having a clue what it was. There was particles floating around it and it was making a strange noise. Being curious  they stepped into the portal wanting to see where it led to, and where the strange person whent off to. When hollow stepped into it they were overcome with a dizzying feeling and the strange noise had got even louder. Eventually it stopped and they stepped out of the portal into the new world. Hollow looked around shocked, there was so many bright colors and flowers and wood. It looked absolutely beautiful to them. Not to far ahead of them they saw the strange human chopping some wood. Quickly hiding behind a tree, they watched as the human continued to gather wood. After  a few more trees hollow watched as the human walked through the field of flowers with scattered trees to a home that could be seen. Hollow followed some what close behind when the person ended calling out. "hello who's there I know someone's close," they had sounding nervous and holding out a sword. It was never their intention to scare the person, they had just wanted to see where they were going. They had also had no clue where they were and was a little nervous themself.
"I'm sorry I really am I didn't mean to startle you. I saw you go through a strange portal near my home in the nether, and wanted to see what was going on. Then I showed up here and I'm very confused and lost, but I saw you again, so i thought i would try to stay near you." Hollow  said while holding out their hands and walking out from behind  the tree they were standing. The other person let out a little sigh of relief when  they saw that hollow had no weapons on them, and that they weren't  gonna attack them.
"I had thought I noticed someone else in the nether, I'm sorry if I took anything  that belonged  to I can give it back if you want?, they said  while putting their sword away.
" you didn't take stuff that belonged to me, again I'm so sorry for scaring you." They said scratching the back of their head, being a little nervouse.
"Its fine just try not to hide in the shadows anymore it is creepy, but if you  want I can show you  around and help you out," they said as they looked up, only now realizing how tall they were.
"Sure help sounds great I really hope it isn't to much trouble," hollow said with a soft smile.
"It isn't to much trouble dont worry, but let's head inside before it gets dark. It isn't safe to stay out at night cause the monsters start showing up. Oh I'm dronzai by the way! " dronzai said with a smile as  they lead the way into their house. Hollow followed and ducked into the house.
"I'm hollow, hollow alchem," they said with a smile.
"I should have a spare bed in this chest," they said as  they rummaged around the chest
"Ahh here it is! I dont have a spare room but we can put it in my room I hope that's ok," they said sounding excited.
"That's perfectly fine thanks again for letting me stay here," they said softly and with a yawn.
"Its really ok I dont mind, but let's head to bed I can tell you about the overworld in the morning." Dronzai said as they whent into their room and set the bed down.
"Alright that sounds good," they said while yawning. Once the bed was put down they layed down exhausted,and quickly fell asleep.

Authors note:
I really hope y'all like the first chapter! Please leave comments telling me what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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