• Burnt Turkey •

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" *gasp* WOW,What's this?"
"It's the North Pole"
"No it's not.."
"Yes it is."
"No, it's not"
"Yes it is"
"No it isn't"
"Yes it is"
"No it isn't"
"Yes it is."
"No it's not, where's the snow??"

I was sitting on the couch watching one of my favorite Christmas movies, Elf, while I waited for my brother Charlie to be dropped off by mom. Dad is still at work and I got off a few hours ago, so I was home alone.

I had a bowl of popcorn on my lap as I silently watch the movie, the scene of Buddy decorating the toy store playing on the screen in front of me until it was interrupted with the door opening.

I got up, pausing the movie, and turned around to see my dad, Charlie and my mom coming inside.

"Y/N!" Charlie cheered as he saw me, racing into my arms for a hug.

"Hiya Chars!" I responded as I hugged him back, along with mom joining in for the hug.

"Hiya sweetie"

"Hi mom"

As Charlie and mom let go, Charlie raced to the Christmas tree as I watched him. He looked under the empty tree and had a small frown while looking back at our dad.

"Dad, there aren't that many presents over there"

"Well that's because Santa isn't here yet."
dad claimed, looking down at Charlie.

"Well Neal doesn't believe in Santa."

"Well He doesn't know what he's talking about. Of course there's a Santa! And he's got a bunch of presents for you"
I told Charlie, bending down to give him a little boop on the nose.

Honestly I don't believe in Santa, but I still want Charlie to. I want Charlie to hold onto these things as long as he can, have fun. Also I just kinda dislike Neal so anything to go against his opinions is a win.

"Yeah well Neal's head comes to a point."
My dad had explained while agreeing with me.
Good thing we were on the same page.

"He's smart, he's a doctor."
Charlie defended Neal, a little shout in his voice.

"He's not a doctor, he's a psychiatrist. Take your coat off, your sticking around, aren't ya?" Dad asked, leaving to talk to mom and the excessive honking from Neal.

As dad and mom talk, I sit Charlie down on the couch with me.

"Are you excited for Christmas Chars?" I asked him while looking down at him

"Not really, dads gonna ruin it on accident."
I frown a bit at his statement

"He tries his hardest, you know that right?"
He gives me a little nod, but I don't know if he said that just to make me feel better or not.

"I'll make you a deal. After dinner, I take us to get some hot cocoa, just you and me." I said as I hold my pinky out, signaling a pinky promise.

He smiles and nods happily, interlocking pinkies, and I'm glad to know I cheered him up.

....And I hear our parents fighting.

Charlie gets up and slowly walks towards them, me just staying in the living room, leaning on a wall and observing.

"Why do you guys always have to fight?" Charlie said, showing himself to our parents

"We're not fighting, it's your mom singing. It sounds a lot like fighting, doesn't it? Cats, even"
Dad said while doing his best cat hiss impression.

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