Chao 3

8 2 3

I am in the nurse office. Why am I in the nurse? Everything is too blight and my head is headching.... but it's not just me

"Are you okay darligs?" asks Nurse. "You both fell over from the force of the storm! Ur so lucky lighening didn't strike you first!"

I turn to the side and see a boy... it seems we both got rreally hrut. He looks to the nurse and I look to the nurse too. The nurse blinks into her office andgrabs a ice back for our heads. 

I put the pack of ice on my head and close my eyes to get away from the lights. This is so annoying...  my first day and I'm already getting knocked out by a lightning storm!? Just my luck. 

"Hey there," said the dude in the bed beside mine,. "Looks like we both got wreked in that storm, huh?"

I roll onmy side to look his way but there is a wall there. "Oh... yeah I guess so."

"What the heyll even happened there?"

"LANGUAGE," screeches Nurse. 

"What happened out there?" asks him again. "It so suddenly starts raining so suddenly... and then the thunder! and lightning? What is going on with the weather?"

"Maybe some wacko with weather powers is making everything go nuts..." 

"Or maybe this is the beginning of a new era!"

I furrow my brows. "Huh? What do you mena?" 

The boy shuffles in his bed and I hear it creaking behind the wa;;. "The lightning! Didn't you not see the golden aura of it? It was fgloiwng! That only happened once before... and that was..."

I gasp! "When the world got their powers, right?"

"Right!" The boy sits up in bed but he does not look over at me, which is good for his sake. "Do you think something could be gong on, Bel? Something new and extraordinary?" 

Omg... he knew my name. I can't belieev it... it's hard to hold in my excitement. I even feel... warm? My face is flushing with heat I cannot explain? I've never felt warm before, even nearby a fireplace it's always been cold like the time... Kylie... I cannot think aboot it. 

"I-I-I-I" I-I can't stop stuttering. This guy knows my name? And we're having a normal conversation without him having to look at me. No  one talks to me unless they can see my face and make eye contact as people normally do and this guy doesn't seem to care, there is a wall between us and he's not leaning forward to geta look passed it. It's relieving. To know someone can talk to me without being face to face. 

The nurse dismisses us and sends us back to class. He keeps his ice pack with him and I keep mine pressed to my head, my arm shielding my face. I take a little peek around my hair and see... oh my gosh... it's the boy! It's Gin!

Gin.... he knows my name.......

Gin gives me a wave before he speeds off down the hallway in a goofy jog. He hurries to his next class and I take nmy time getting to mine. Omg... Gin knows my mame and he talks to me like a normal person with powers and not some sort of monsterr. It's a miracle 

I wish everyone could ve like this.

When I get to class I draw a picture of me and Gin getting struck my lightning. Something most become of this, I know it. I know something must be rlevant about this chance meeting... perhaps it's fate or perhaps we're meant for somefing more more. 

I will figure out and write it down in my journal as soon as I find out what that lightning storm has done, but for now I write in my jornal and thinjk about the lightning that happened. 

Definitely not falling in love with the ordinary guyWhere stories live. Discover now