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So that you are aware, I have played 10 minutes of Genshin. But I have watched my brother play through it and I am fairly educated in the fandom (I also have Google). Please do not expect a work of art. 

Okay enjoy ●v●

N/n = Nickname. 

Y/n = Your Name. 

L/n = Last Name. 

W/o/c = Weapon of Choice; such as Catalyst, Polearm, Sword, Bow and Claymore. 

H/c = Hair Color. 

S/c = Skin Color. 

E/c = Eye Color. 

More will be added when more are added.

[Your POV]


You're running through the forestry, bleeding and fearful. Something was chasing you; a monster was chasing you. You pray that you're near Sumeru, Lumine told you it was really close. Even Paimon knew it was close! So why was it taking so long??

I shouldn't have left my w/o/c at camp! Stupid N/n! You cursed aloud, immediately shutting up and covering your mouth. More noise attracted the monster. It was getting dark, though the full moon shone a little through the leaves. You were unsure how much longer you could run. It must have been at least two hours since that thing discovered your campsite and attacked you. You've spent the entire time running and hiding in different locations, all while searching for a town in Avidya Forest and the scholar that Lumine said could help you.

The sound of a tree tumbling to the ground awakened your mind, leaving you to leap up and run like a startled rabbit. It was probably a stupid decision, but the monster had tasted your blood. It could track you to the ends of Teyvat if it wanted, which hopefully it didn't!

How many times has Lumine reminded you to keep your w/o/c on hand at all times? You couldn't count that high. She's had to rescue you more times than you can possibly remember. You're glad to be her friend, considering you were the first person aside from Paimon that she'd met since arriving in this world. When you met, you had been in an incident where you'd lost your memories. Lumine helped you decide on a new identity and tried her best to help you learn to use a w/o/c. You got along well enough, though you were consistantly acting like two siblings, with so much teasing and bickering.

How is it possible that the one time I really need her is not two days after we parted ways??

Lumine recently left your side to focus more on getting her brother back. She told you about a scholar in Sumeru that could possibly get you your memories back, so that's where you were headed when the monster attacked you.

You hear the sound of water getting louder with every step you take. Lumine said there's a river near the town! You follow the noise, your hopes rising for the first time in a while. Perhaps you can jump in to disguise your scent! 

You run as fast as you can. Your lungs are being tortured and your legs are screaming at you to slow down, but the adrenaline coursing through you at that moment was shutting them up. If you can just get to the river, you'll be safe. You'll be able to rest. You'll be able to find the town and find the scholar and most importantly, find your memories! You crack the slightest smile when the rushing of the water is so loud that you can sense it several feet away. The trees opened up right at the river, leaving everything around you glowing heavenly.

You slow down just in time, stopping right before the edge of the water. Your heart sunk at the sight of maybe a thirty-foot drop over the edge. I can't make that! I'd break my neck if I tried!

The monster roared behind you, startling you enough that you slipped and crashed down into the water.


You grabbed hold of whatever you could, but couldn't keep a grip enough to steady yourself in the raging river. It took hold of you, pushing and pulling whenever it pleased, throwing you into rocks, tugging you under the surface when you tried to get some air, and stopping so suddenly that your screams for help were louder than a dragon's roar. The process repeated and repeated until you couldn't take it anymore. 

Everything went dark.

Just Like You; Tighnari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now