Autumn Melancholy

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It was like any autumn evening. The dying leaves begin to fall slowly to the ground in a variety of natural colors. A clean dirt path created a trail that led to places unlike any other. The birds begin to fly south as the harsh weather begins to come forth at a slow pace. Time meant nothing here since everyone is wasting it somehow. The tragedies of yesterday were nowhere to be seen like they never happened to begin with. Time is of the essence, yet somehow everyone here has a purpose. Everything and everyone is preparing for the harsh winter ahead. Either rotting or storing goodies for the winter. The melancholy of this day was like no other, and yet some cruel form of joy begins to make its way forth. As the weather becomes a nice warm feeling people come out to see the world and all of its glory. Out comes a small child only around 7 years of age who runs with no worries at all following the trail under her feet. Seeing the future in her dreams, only swinging by on soft melodies. An inch of cold never bothered her, if that were to be from others or from the weather itself. The young girl was running around barefoot, in jeans and a cute sweater that wasn't picked herself. Yet it looked like she was just happy to be alive. Her innocence beamed through her, expecting no harm to come to her and the ones she loves. A blissful smile came across her face as she teased the others who were far behind her.

"I bet you can't catch me!" The child shouts.

Behind her was someone else, around 12-14 years old. Heaving from being completely breathless. Having no clue how the kid was so fast, to begin with. She tried to be happy for the kid and yet something bothered her. She knew that she wasn't happy, but she wanted to be for the kids' sake. This person wore a simple sweatshirt and leggings, this time with ordinary shoes and socks along with them. She also carried a bag with her, it was heavy, and filled with secrets untold. Her feelings are all cast out in their own separate bottles. Insecurity fueling every bone in her body. Feeling like she was never good enough like she has to be better for other people. Saying that she doesn't care when she does. At the point of breaking under the pressure of people throwing their own insecurities towards her, expecting her to remain unnoticed. When in reality she has seen the worst in people, she went through hell while everyone around her just sat and watched her drown. Making mistakes that she always regrets later. Becoming nothing but a deceitful snake that could do nothing but lie and continue to tie the knots of the shredded noose. Knowing that if she were to testify against her own thoughts she would make her look like a madman. So her bottles took their place as they all shake and click against one another. Stopping for a break she asked.

"How are you so fast?! We've just got here." She questioned.

Then another came to her aid, the age unknown to the other two. Feeling the confidence burn through the other two like a moth to a flame. Instead of running like the other two, she walked just fine and managed to get to the one who was struggling to keep up. Unlike the other two, she wanted to enjoy the fine weather that was outside. Barley finding time to enjoy it all anymore so she took this opportunity to take the other two outside for a little while. She knew these two very well since she is the oldest. She wore red flannel and jeans, along with black boots that had red and black striped laces. The souls were replaced since they'd been tired and worn out before. She became as comfortable as she thought she needed to be. Besides taking care of the younger ones isn't easy so she has to be hardened by her past and learn to be soft when she needed to be. Even then she saw that people either looked up to her or hated her for whatever reason. Insecurity? Being seen as a threat? It didn't matter, she knew now that she doesn't deserve to be treated like everyone's punching bag. As much as it hurts to say she knew that it was true. She was fair and gentle, making sure that everyone got a say in things so no one could be left out.

"No offense but I don't think you're going to make it to her if you're carrying that."


"Look I get that you want them but you need to keep on without them on you to keep up with her,"

"But I'm scared, what if I lose them?"

The other smiled fondly as she ruffled the young ones' hair a bit. As if to fix something that couldn't be fixed.

"How about I hold them for you, that way you can keep up with the younger one. We don't want her to go too far do we?"

"No," she mumbled.

As she said that she handed the bag to the eldest. Hoping that nothing bad happens to them. Afterward, she ran ahead of the other one, hoping to catch up with the youngest. The eldest looked at the bag and then back at the trail. She knew full well what she had to do. She found the nearest tree off of the trail, one with a hole at the bottom of it. So she left the bag by the tree, so that way she could learn how to let go of things that were not her fault to bear. Her dreams don't deserve to be haunted by things that were years ago. People don't need to remind her either. Alas, they do it anyway, just to prove a point that she is no different from the rest. So she was trapped, and now it was time to set her free from that. So she left it there, not touching the old dusty bottles since she already knew what was in each of them. She made it clear not to touch them when they first met one another. The eldest huffed as she ran from the sight hoping to find the other two. Both hurt souls who want to see the light once more. Like a mother to her kin, it was her responsibility to watch these two so they won't come to any harm. Whatever it takes, they will be happy someday, even if it's not today.

(A//n: I've been meaning to write something like this for a while, but writer's block sucks so that's why I haven't been posting lately, that and school, but I'm trying to get a few more things out here! But I'm back :D. Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night ~ 💜)

Autumn MelancholyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora