Historical Fiction Results

70 7 28

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And the book that has won first place is:

The Curse Of Poseidon's Revenge: AdrielleReina

Cover: 10/10

 Plot: 9/10

 Presentation: 9/10

 Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10

 Creativity/Originality: 10/10 

Does the story make sense: 10/10

 Structure/Character Development: 10/10 

Overall Delivery: 10/10

 Total: 78/80

Review: Yo ho, all hands, hoist the colors high! This is a very original take on the pirate genre, with a very riveting opening set of chapters. Only suggestion would be to try and incorporate some of the exposition in dialogue as opposed to just paragraphs. Regardless, a very epic entry and worth the read! Be ready to set sail on an epic journey!

- (Judge: ShockTrooperCorps)

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