3: A better tomorrow

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So we stood in the dark and cold for a few moments, taking in how similar she was to me.

"You live on Partial Lane, don't you?" She said smiling coldly.

"You know where I live?" I replied shakily while questions filled my brain 'So I really saw her this morning.', 'How did she know where I stayed?', 'Is she my twin that mom really kept away from me?', 'Does she know anything else about me?', 'I don't know anything about her'...

"And lots more" she took it to her pleasure when she knew she had control over the situation.

I stood there frozen, both from the cold and what was standing in front of me.

When she saw that I was not responding, she gave me a dirty look and started to walk away. "I'll be seeing you soon ya, my dear?" Followed through by an evil laugh...

After she was gone, I tried to calm down by telling myself that she was just a coincidence. It was just another mean teenager trying to scare me, right? After a concession of sneezes, I knew I had to get home soon...

By the time I reached home, my nose was all runny and red. I had definitely caught a cold.

"You're home late" my mother said.

"Um, ya" achoo!

"With a cold too, what have you been doing out in that horrid weather?" Her voice etched with concern as she brought out the dinner.

I thought about telling my mother about my double, but she doesn't believe in these sort of things, and she would probably think that the cold damaged my brain or something. So I just settled for a small shrug.

As my family settled down for dinner, I started to wonder if there was an alternate world, where my double would be eating her dinner with my family's doubles, it was a funny thought to entertain...

"Honey, why are you not touching your food? Don't you like it? I helped in the cooking today." dad teased.

"Are you trying to lose weight? When they say your teenager picks at her food, you should watch out. You're already so slim, you lose any more weight and you'll be just a bag of bones!"

Wow, trust my mother to come to with such a reasoning.

"Mom, I'm just thinking of something. I'm not aneroxic ..."

I really did not have any appetite to eat and had to excuse myself, leaving my mother thinking that there was something wrong with me...

I went up and lay in bed. I honestly wasn't feeling so well. I was terrified out of my wits. I felt insecure. I reached out for my phone and comtemplated calling Eric, my boyfriend. But for some reason, I had a weird feling about that, and he would most likely not believe me, no sane person will. I dropped the phone back and stared at the ceiling.


Maybe tomorrow would be a better day.

I reached for my blanket and wrapped it around, covering my whole being. Bounding it tightly around my feet.

Now I felt a tad bit secure.

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