Part 1 : Lets have some tea

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Day : 1

"why are you a f*king piece of shit" yelled my father ...
Its been years my parents are having a wild dog like argument in each conversation and both of them becoming irritated in small small topics like
Yesterday my mother went to her Yoga classes and met her new yoga instructor.... They were getting well without acting or having any such suspicious act when all of a sudden my father had plans to pick her up that day .... When he saw her with the instructor his heart dropped and had a huge argument about the whole stuff

Day : 2

The argument is still on.. I was on my way to school with a "not so excited" face

"Hey mate , how is it goin", a voice came from my back and my face suddenly rejoiced....
It was one of my closest friend Alex
"Just same thing as always " i replied
Then had some normal gossips about our daily life and ran into our own classes ... I was having my art class

As always teacher started class with some boring lecture

Oh here comes my beautiful girlfriend slapping my head with almost her full power

My drooling face wake up

"hey little girl you lost?" I asked her

Now got the slap on my chubby cheeks and replied
"Wake up mf"

I laughed... We've been dating like almost 2 years 4 months

Oh here comes the principal...

The principal enters with a new student
"Hello students, i am here to welcome your new student "Mason" who is also my son he will be looking forward to attend your classes " The principal announced

But who cares

I continued to sleep rest of my period

*After almost 2 hours of deep sleep*

I woke up rubbing my eyes and thought " oh already its noon " ... I packed my stuffs and lifted myself up to meet my girl and alex .... Its already tiffin break
Alex was already at the canteen buying lunch for me and him .
"what a great guy i have " came to my mind with a smile
But no sign of my girl i wonder where is she and never gave it a thought as she had her friends to look for her back

*Suddenly the announcement box shouted *

"{my name} please report to the principal office"
"Oh man , what did you do this time?" alex asked
"I dont know" i replied
"Nevermind, go check what's all the commotion" alex said

I ran towards the principal office

I opened the door and asked if i could come in

"Yes yes come in" the principal said

I came inside and had one of the seats

"You called me, anything matters sir?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied

"You need to return home as soon as possibleand no further question" my principal replied with a worried look on his face

I was confused and scared at the same time... I didnt waste any time and left school ... Ran all my way to home
When i reached home there were only police tapes and officers standing infront of my house
My heart stopped beating when i saw the dismantled corpse of my father
My father whom i loved almost with everything is now dead ....
A voice suddenly came from my back someone was shouting i am the child of the dead man
I sat down with the emotionless look and tears roll down from my eyes

Can i kill a god?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن