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December 2012

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December 2012

"I'm gonna miss you sooo much my baby," My aunt says into my hoodie as she squeezes me into a hug.

"I'll miss you too Aunt Sarai," I chuckle while I awkwardly pat her back.

"Watching you grow up throughout middle school to now," she sniffs dramatically. "I remember it like yesterday, you came over to my house with a stank look on your face, talking about how you hated it here."

"Now look at you," She says stepping back to look at me, "You grew into this beautiful young lady. Mentally and physically," she gives me a sad smile.

"Oh, now look," she begins to fan her face.

"Sarai..." I start.

"Don't worry Charisma, you know I'm a little crybaby I'll be alright."

"Yo ass stay crying, Ma," my cousin Avantee laughs. He daps me up as his mom shoves him playfully.

Avantee and Ashanti are twins. They're two years older than me, yet I'm more mature than both of them combined.

I finally decided to come home for Christmas break.

Momma and I are on okay-ish terms now. The break was much needed for both of us.

Ashanti comes over and gives me a hug, "Make sure you come back and visit. It gets kinda boring being the only girl."

"Most def," I hug her back. "I'm gonna miss all of you, thank you for taking me in Sarai. You know how much this meant to me— A-and I know. "

She just gives me another hug. "I know you have a hard time talking about your feelings, Y/n. But one thing I want you to work on is expressing yourself. We love you."

"I love you guys too."

They call for my flight and I hear Aunt Sarai start to sniffle.

"Momma..." Ashanti starts. She pulls her away from me while Avantee stands next to me awkwardly.

"I know you wanna hug, nigga," I tease.

"Hell nah, I don't want no hug from yo—"

I wrap my arms around him with a big grin on my face anyways. He hugs me back and rubs my back. "You know I love you, Cuzzo."

"I love you more, Vantee."

I walk toward my flight, handing in my ticket to the employee.

I'm ready to start the next chapter of my life.


It's the next day when I arrive back in Plantation.

I stumble off the plane, a little jet-lagged, as I see Momma in front of me with a sign that says "Welcome Home, Chari!".

"My babyyy!" She squeals with open arms.

"Hii mommy," I laugh.

She rocks me back and forth in her arms. "Look at you, you've gotten so big. How tall are you now? Five-three? Five-four? And you got ass and titties now, look at you," she smacks my butt and laughs.

"Mom, stop. That's so embarrassing! And I'm five-four."

"You get embarrassed now? I remember it just yesterday you used to love holding my hand in public. And you used to make hold you, just like this—!"

She scoops me up into her arms and twirls us around.

"Mom, this is so stupid—"

We laugh as she grabs my luggage and jogs us to the car with me still in her arms.


During the car ride home, I listen to Momma tell me about all the events that took place while I was gone.

She finally got her bachelor's degree in nursing, so now she's a certified traveling nurse.

Her and dad have broken up due to the distance, and I know have to stay home alone while she's away.

"I can't stay by myself for months at a time! Momma, how would I even survive on my own?"

She sighs, "I'm sorry Charisma, but the company I'm working for is offering me six thousand every two weeks. They're offering to pay my rent wherever they decide to move me, so I'll send you more than enough money to cover bills and food every month."

She'll be making good money, but that doesn't change anything.

I'll be a fourteen-year-old living alone, expected to have adult responsibilities while I "enjoy" my youth at the same time.

I can't drive, nor can I pay bills.

I rest my head against the window; watching the trees and houses pass by in a blur until I realize, "Momma, this isn't the way home..."

We're in the suburbs where all the houses look the exact same, with minor changes to each home.

The sidewalk is nicely paved, and each lawn of grass looks freshly cut.

Nothing like ours.

The garage door opens as she pulls into the driveway; my mouth falls.

"Momma is this..."

"Surprise, babyyy!"

I take off my seatbelt faster than I knew I could move, and run inside the house.

When I enter I look around at the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

"There's no way..."

I run down the hall and open the first door I see; it's the door to the laundry room.

Another door looks like it would be my mom's room.

Finally, the last door I open belongs to me. As soon as I walk in, the fumes of Bath and Body Works: Paris Nights hits my nose.

The room is beautiful.

It looks so modern it's amazing.

There's a flatscreen tv, along with a desk that sits the latest Macbook pro on it.

My closet is full of clothes and shoes, and I have a queen-sized bed, bigger than me.

"I hope you know this shit was mad expensive, so Merry Christmas," Momma says leaning against my doorframe.

I give her a hug, "Thank you, Mom."

She hugs me in return and sighs, "I apologize for the way I was before you left. While you were gone, I realized that sending my child off wasn't the best move to make as a parent; especially off impulse. I don't want us to be the type of family that constantly fights, so from here on out, I promise to be the best mother I can be for you and myself." She kisses the top of my hair and murmurs I love you.

"I love you too," I say holding back the tears in my eyes.

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